Things that bother you more than they should

I’ve only reached the Final Four once and never won the RPS tournament. ← clicky clicky

Feeling the need to post this repeatedly


I’m an actuary… it’s what I do. :woman_shrugging:

Maybe I should make a meme that if you don’t want me to analyze your claim (humorous or otherwise) don’t say / post it where I can hear / read it.

Probably some correlated disorder. Don’t harsh on all actuaries just because of your predilections.

Also, I’d like to know what this is about. I could use a laugh.

No idea, but on another page someone did post a meme making the claim that wine is now cheaper than gas. I nerded out and calculated the price per gallon of the cheapest wine I could find (it was in the vicinity of $8.50 a gallon IIRC) and pointed out that this was still more than gas even in the priciest areas.

So possibly that, but maybe not.

Here’s the post: Funny and SFW - #2264 by twig93

Note that I was not the first poster to point out that no, you can’t get wine for $6 / gallon.

I see someone is too classy for toilet wine.

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Oh yes, boxed Franzia is tres classy!

I don’t know what toilet wine is though… do I want to??? :grimacing:

Probably not. But I will enlighten you anyway.


I’d rather have the Franzia!

I get a sad feeling when I see that the RIP Threads get a new post


When people refer to “FT William” as “Fort Williams”.


Fort William, Highland?

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Is “eff tee william” the correct way to say it?


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Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. :tmyk:

When I cannot remember what bothered me earlier in the day.

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When people pronounce the l in salmon

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I can’t get the gif to work, so here: YARN | Look, you idiot, first of all, it's Salman,not salmon. | Seinfeld (1989) - S04E19 The Implant | Video clips by quotes | bac2b5db | 紗