Things that bother you more than they should

I get a sad feeling when I see that the RIP Threads get a new post


When people refer to “FT William” as “Fort Williams”.


Fort William, Highland?

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Is “eff tee william” the correct way to say it?


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Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. :tmyk:

When I cannot remember what bothered me earlier in the day.

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When people pronounce the l in salmon

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I can’t get the gif to work, so here: YARN | Look, you idiot, first of all, it's Salman,not salmon. | Seinfeld (1989) - S04E19 The Implant | Video clips by quotes | bac2b5db | 紗


“Prime Day”

This year, it’s July 12-13.

It should be Prime Days, plural.


By definition, the 12th is not a prime day. False advertising. And then we wonder why our children isn’t learning.


They are just priming you (on the 12th) for the real prime day, the 13th.

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It’s the 13th somewhere…

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It rarely impacts me, but I get frustrated seeing people sitting in the wrong seats on airplanes. And then the FAs get involved, and the person sitting in the wrong seat won’t own up to it, so the FA has to ask them to se their ticket.

It’s never super hard to do this correctly, but the plane I’m on today has every seat labeled on the arm rest.


There’s a park near me that has a nice paved footpath, and there are ponds and open spaces. It would be a really nice place to walk my dog, BUT…

The ponds attract geese pretty much 24/7. There’s green goose crap everywhere. I cannot stand walking through a minefield of goose turds on the footpath.

Am I just too uptight? Would other people just walk the footpath and accept your shoes and your dog’s feet just hittin’ the green goop?

As if Justin Bieber wasn’t enough for us to be pissed at Canada. We got their G.D. goose crap ruining our lives too

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Yeah, but their bacon goes really good on pizza.

…and, to answer your questions…

No, you are not too uptight, and, no, I would not just walk through the shit field. Also, my dogs can’t handle other animals existing, so they’d be pulling hard at the leash & I’d probably get pulled along like it’s a slip & slide…except it’s a shit & slide. Also, Canada geese are mean.

Oh, I don’t totally hate Canadia. In addition to their ham-like bacon, I enjoy Rush, Pam Anderson, the occasional Tim Horton’s donut, and I like how they have eschewed the penny. Some other Canadia-isms I am more indifferent too, like gravy on french fries, milk from a bag, ketchup on potato chips, and toques.

Canadia Geese are mean I guess. But I have only really interacted with them directly on golf courses. They can hiss at me all they want, when I have a 5 iron in my hand, I have no fear. Get the flip out of my way, bird, I am playing through.