The covid virgins club

If the worldometer site is to be believed, 1/5 of Americans have acquired Covid. I’m fairly out and about and don’t really take any Covid precautions anymore.

I think it’s higher than that, at least in NYC. I think it’s way under reported between at home tests and people not testing at all after one person in their household tests positive.

3 out of 4 of my family tested positive at some point while none of us lived together, nor contracted it from each other, so based on the fan family it’s 75%. Me being the only one not to get covid so far.

Wow, fast. Interesting that you tested negative when you had symptoms.

I was exposed Wednesday and tested Thursday early afternoon and was negative. I developed symptoms Thursday evening. My positive test was Monday morning. I was not feeling up for leaving the house to get tested from Friday - Sunday. And even Monday, Hubby drove.

That said, Hubby developed symptoms Sunday evening and tested negative Monday morning. Then he tested positive Tuesday morning.

Yes. You can obviously test on real time, when you are infected, for the virus or parts of it, with a PCR or rapid test. But after-the-fact, you can be tested for antibodies to the nucleocapsid. The vaccines only give you antibodies to the spike protein, and vaccinated people who aren’t exposed to covid don’t develop antibodies to the nucleocapsid.

That’s how we know my husband was exposed, either when he gave blood or when he got vaccinated. Because when he got vaccinated he was giving platelets every two weeks, and the red cross was testing for antibodies to both the spike and the nucleocapsid proteins. And he tested negative, negative, negative, and then turned positive to both two weeks after his first vaccination (which was a day after his previous donation.)

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Right. I’ve documented my test results here, here, and here…and, now, here, too. I don’t know how often this study that I’m in will ask me to get tested. So far, it’s every three months, but n=2, so, you know… I was tested every three months & that was my last one.

For just the N Protein? I’m under the assumption that you’re vaccinated, and, thus, should be full of S Protein.

The only time I had been tested for antibodies, it was before I got vaccinated.

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I’m starting to open up here ,I’ll likely get covid in the next month or two because I want to do some outings with random strangers. A few times a year I take UW undergrads (often they’re international students) out fishing or hunting.
This week I’m taking two random students out rabbit hunting. In the next couple of weeks I expect i’ll take a couple more rando’s ice fishing, which involves an hour or two in a car together, then a day in an ice fishing hut. And if the temperature every goes above single digits on the Kelvin scale,I may take some of them winter camping for a weekend up north.
I don’t want to get covid, but I’m getting resigned, and like so many, starting to think I need to get the hell out of the house and see other humans.


ah, you were probably positive a few hours after you tested.

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i’m on the fence. i think if i got it, it would be annoying, but not deadly, but i don’t want to be stuck in my apartment with no way to get out with my awful neighbors. it would be nice to get it over with though. if stuck here i will likely go crazy and start knocking on doors and breathing on people who piss me off with their noise.

so better that i not get it, or if i do, i get it away from home. i almost wish i was still staying at my parents house when my mother contracted it so i’d just have gotten it from her while still there and been done with it.

Yeah, it’s odd. Since I was waiting for results after a known exposure I didn’t leave the house. But… tested negative then positive.

I can’t believe I still fall into this category. I feel like it’s only a matter of time.


Still a part of this group. The weakest link in our chain is having 2 kids in school.


I might have to relinquish membership. A close contact Thursday notified me of a positive test occurring this morning. I was N95 masked, but they weren’t. They might have caught it at that activity. No symptoms for me yet, but no home test available. Waiting for response from PCP to see if they want me to come in for a test or wait for symptoms.


Given the shorter incubation time of Omicron, you might have dodged the bullet. Wait a couple more days and you are probably in the clear

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it seems highly possible to me that this person who was maskless caught covid at this specific event, while you did not. Yeah, the incubation period is short for this one, and I think you’d have symptoms by now. N95’s are good.

Thanks for the positive thoughts. That’s what I am telling my mom :grinning: Time will tell.

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if you do have it, for people who are otherwise healthy, omicron is the one to get. it will likely be annoying, but you’ll come out fine.

i don’t think you have it at all though.

In reality, it’s probably closer to 2/3rds of Americans have gotten it.