Happy Thoughts

Ordered for a little reading on my next trip

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It was 64 degrees this morning and I was feeling good and walked for 30 minutes. That doesn’t sound like much but I haven’t done it all summer. Have been doing some very short walks since being sick, trying to get my activity back to a normal level. Might go back to water aerobics tomorrow.


I finally got 2022 Survivor Fantasy Football up and running! :party:

Feels good to officially continue a long-held AO/GoActuary tradition! :+1:

Please come join us!

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And if that’s not enough fun for you, be sure to enter the GoA FSP Contest:

Regular entries will be accepted until kickoff Thursday & late-entries will be accepted until kickoff Sunday.

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Or the double elimination reverse suicide game. This one is not very time consuming, in case that’s a plus for you. Just pick one team to lose every week, can’t pick the same team more than once.

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I printed my my daughter’s master’s thesis and have it displayed in my office. I guess she never knew this. With all the kids in this weekend she noticed and seemed very moved.

Also, I had my grand daughter nap on me for about 1 1/2 hours on Sunday


Wow, I don’t even know if I still have my own masters thesis.

It just occurred to me that I’m not working a full week this week, or next, or the one after that! The last week of September is my only full week of work this month.


After injuring my back some weeks back, I’ve been going to physical therapy. Today I “graduated” from PT and don’t need to go back. I do still need to do my exercises.



After 24 years, just dumped AT&T as our home phone carrier. Should’ve done it years ago as they have been horrible in almost all aspects but inertia is a thing.

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switched or got rid of home phone?

Switched. We like having a home phone for a variety of reasons.

our home line exists too. nothing but spam calls. maybe 1 a month that is non spam.

We ditched the phone many years ago. Then we got a better price on cable with a bundle for year. Over that year, we didn’t ever plug the phone in and never gave out the number. At the end of the year when we cancelled, I went on line to see if there had been any calls to that number and there were hundreds. All had to be robocalls or the like.

or some kid trying to call his gammy 'cuz his parents never told him that she died.

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We have a land line because it’s bundled with our internet. I bought a phone for like $9.99 to hook up to it and turned the ringer off. We don’t give out the number.

I’ve used it to call my cell phone when I couldn’t find it. And one time my cell phone wasn’t working and I used the land line.

It doesn’t work when the power goes out though, which sucks. That’s one of the reasons to have a land line. Fortunately we rarely lose power for more than about two minutes.

Just in case you ever need it:

I use it frequently.


Good to know!