When do you put up Christmas decorations?

Originally, he just wanted to hang a Christmas wreath but then the HOA caused a ruckus and so he went with the 95 theses (I gotta lotta problems with you people!!!)…or something like that.



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We only put up one decoration in honor of the ‘airing of grievances.’


Lol. I gotta lot of problems with you people.


best post in this thread. /thread


Is having fun with how some fundamentalist Christians try to explain dinosaurs supposed to have red text? :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding the extra supplies of Kosher animals – they tend to leave out / gloss over that part in Protestant Sunday School / Bible Camp lessons, akin to how no one ever seems to discuss the contradictions in the creation stories in such contexts.

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Yeah I don’t wanna get into that.

Way too many feelings involved. I hate feeling. :upside_down_face:


No presents yet…


My husband grew up in a family that kept everything up until Elvis’s birthday (January 8th).

As a child, my family’s tree went up the 23rd or 24th and came down the evening of the 25th or early on the 26th.

My husband’s birthday is January 6th, and we usually have everything taken down before then. Usually around New Year’s.

As for when things start getting decorated, it varies. First we get the tree, which can be as early as the day after Thanksgiving or as late as two weeks before Christmas. Then we have a series of things we do as a family for tradition. This year we have some guests staying with us for the week of Thanksgiving, so we’ll likely be going to get the tree in early December.

We don’t do any outdoor decorations.

Our tree is now up.

Every year we all pick out one ornament and have done that since 2014. So me, my husband, and 9yo all have 8 ornaments on there, 6yo has 7, and we have four foster kids’ ornaments on there over the years.

The kids decorated the tree this year. We are running low on the need for generic ornaments.


I have a naked tree up in the living room, but no lights yet.

Our tree is up too. So and I went to the tree farm and hacked live from its earthly roots.
Got a company Christmas dinner on Saturday, so it had to be up by then.

Two trees up, lights factor-installed. Boxes and bins are down from the garage loft area.

So, I’ve done my part.

Well, I have to put the empty bins back up. Then bring them down and put back them after they’re filled, and I’ll have to box up the trees.

My mom always gave us ornaments, so we have quite a few from her. A few that belonged to our grandparents. And we grab an ornament when we travel - my favorite is a little Fidel Castro stuffed ornament we picked up in Havana. I don’t think we have any ‘filler’ ornaments anymore.

We typically put up the tree on Thanksgiving night but didn’t this year, it’s on my to-do list for Saturday, I’m way behind!

We got an ornament every year and each person had a theme. Mine was snowmen, my brothers was Santa, my two cousins were reindeer and angels

Not really decorations, but this year I am planning an advent calendar for my family. I bought a bunch of those metal brain teaser things that are not too challenging.

We are going to open one a day in December and solve it together. My oldest son is really into stuff like that. He’s only with us 50% of the time so he will need to do two a day on average, but I don’t think he will mind.

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Brought down decorations yesterday. Wife does the decorating, as i do not need correcting of placement of things. I do the heavy lifting, mindless drone work.



I think it is safe to put up Xmas stuff the Friday after thanksgiving.