Today I learned

(I’m pretty sure.)

sake is pronounced sah-keh (not sah-kee)

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My son’s future MiL is 3rd cousins with a friend of mine.

We were talking family history and genetics and the MiL pulled her results up on her phone. I recognized a name, and when I texted him, it turned out he was the one. They have never met.


I was taught Japanese does not have stressed syllables


I wasn’t taught anything. I assumed it based on other knowledge I have . I furthermore assume that I am most likely incorrect in my assumptions.
@meep , as I recall, you know a bit of Japanese. Perhaps, you could help set me straight.

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in japanese, every syllable must start with a consonant and end with a vowel. Thus, consonant clusters can sound pretty unrecognizable

eg costco = ko soo too ko

I think meep is pronounced “meepu”


Repeat this out loud:

Owah tagoo siama.

yes, I’ve seen I Love Lucy, too


I think you mean Cauchy, which is pronounced KO-shee

I saw it on The Odd Couple!!

Yes, that’s the one. I was going for the phonetic representation of an amusing (to me at leat) mispronunciation. I think english native speakers without knowledge of french might go for the hard ch instead of the soft sh sound.

The word Curbstoner.

Related, when target moved into Canada, everyone deliberately pronounced it tar-gay, with a soft g. More Canadian that way

I thought that was just a joke to make it sound classier


I was calling it Tar-zhay 35+ years ago in the south.

Same in the midwest.

I don’t remember Target stores in the midwest 35 years ago. My first recollection of Target as a store was the incredible film Career Opportunities in 1991. It has the hottest fully clothed scene ever in a PG-13 film.

Then Target began appearing in the mid-90s along with the proliferation of WalMart stores. Before then, it was Kmart, Venture, and Zayre’s as the dominant discount store chains.

I remember Targets in STL in the mid 70’s, along with Kmart, Venture and Zayre’s. Walmart was later, big expansion late 80’s to early 90’s, IIRC.

My dad considered but passed on WMT stock early on. When he traveled to SW Missouri for work, he checked them out. Didn’t see how they could compete with Sears and Kmart since prices were higher in comparison. :joy:

I’ve heard it pronounced that way in the US. I’ve also heard K-Mart pronounced as Kay-mar-shay.