What's for Lunch?

I ate 2 PBJ sandwiches that we had prepped to eat on the slopes. Mountain road has been iced over and impassable for a few days so I figured I would eat them now. Hoping to get up there in the next couple days before I fly home.

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:sushi:!!! :yum:

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Looks like that eraser you had as a grade schooler & a roll of electrical tape.

Panera steak sandwich and a mitten cookie.

Yeah??? What if I told you we got our lunch orders delivered by a robot???

It was cool!!! @JFG: This is yet another reason I keep telling you we hafta go for sushi sometime!!!

Then the roll of electrical tape might be needed.

Otherwise, how are you liking Japan and maybe you can answer my post in the TIL thread.

That’s what I say to that.

Chopped brisket, bell pepper strips, sour cream & onion dip, multi grain crackers.

leftover chicken shawarma

Leftover Christmas goose. I froze it, and defrosted summer today. It’s kinda tough, but still tastes good.

sour cream, bananas and blue berries

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Clam chowder and peanut butter pie.

Split pea soup with big chunks of ham!!! :yum:

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Toast with avocado and tomato slices. Iced coffee. I have some yogurt for protein but that might be my afternoon snack.

I’m making hubby pinto beans and ham for dinner.

Is there cornbread involved? If so, I’ll be over at 6:00.

Can’t have beans without cornbread. You can have my share.

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:musical_note: Beans and cornbread had a fight

BLT with avocado

that would be a BLAT

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Pierogi and schnitzel. Makes me warm and sleepy…

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