Random Thoughts

I have a big bruise on my leg - and I have no idea how it got there. It’s right in the spot where it might have been caused by me falling on my keys in my pocket - but I didn’t…

My nephew does NASCAR car wraps — and this is his latest (though he didn’t design it… this time)


it was a realization from a coloring contest they had:


This one is one of Ryan’s designs:

It’s pretty sweet.


I don’t even know why DWS even bothered to relaunch the AO. What a wasteland.

This probably should go in a different thread but whatever.


I think we should change the word “down” to “dn”. It is “up” rotated 180 degrees.

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Let me guess. You were looking at a Target brand item?

Actually, the reality is sadder than that. A data provider uses up and dn in the up and down sensitivities naming convention. I was actually working this morning.

The name Casper is a boy’s name of Scandinavian, Persian origin meaning “​bringer of treasure”. I think that it’s meaning should be “Friendly Host”.

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Wife is watching All the Sins on Prime Video PBS Masterpiece. One of the characters, Jussi Ritola, played by Matti Ristinen bears a striking resemblance to Will Ferrell…especially when he (Ristinen) is all dressed up in his poliisi outfit.



swing hard, St. Boniface

It would be a shame if you’d named your dog Alexa and were into smart home type stuff

I was on a Zoom meeting and someone mentioned her mother Alexa - yep, got the device going

:ctm: & rn

Today I learned that garbage trucks can be driven from the right or left side. Full set up on both sides.

I thought about starting a Today I Learned thread.



:musical_note: Albania…Albania…you border on the Adriatic…your land is very mountainous…and your chief export is chrome* :notes:

*actually, crude petroleum these days


Had a trivia question Monday whose answer was Adriatic Sea, so I started to sing this to my teammates.

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Today you (and I) learned…