Random Thoughts

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Wife is watching All the Sins on Prime Video PBS Masterpiece. One of the characters, Jussi Ritola, played by Matti Ristinen bears a striking resemblance to Will Ferrell…especially when he (Ristinen) is all dressed up in his poliisi outfit.



swing hard, St. Boniface

It would be a shame if you’d named your dog Alexa and were into smart home type stuff

I was on a Zoom meeting and someone mentioned her mother Alexa - yep, got the device going

:ctm: & rn

Today I learned that garbage trucks can be driven from the right or left side. Full set up on both sides.

I thought about starting a Today I Learned thread.



:musical_note: Albania…Albania…you border on the Adriatic…your land is very mountainous…and your chief export is chrome* :notes:

*actually, crude petroleum these days


Had a trivia question Monday whose answer was Adriatic Sea, so I started to sing this to my teammates.

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Today you (and I) learned…

Did not know that a web browser came from Albania.


That sounds risky.

IFYP, Numbers Guy.


I think it would be hilarious if I ever end up as a regulator

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On the old AO, there was this poster who was going for the alphabet soup behind his name, in additional to the familial soup already present.

This poster ended up as a regulator in a small-ish, remote-ish US state. And I got to do some direct interactions with said posters.

Interesting times.

Yes, I remember that person

I gave blood today. My local red cross is still doing antibody testing, so I am eager to see how the vaccine took.