Home Improvements

These days, the cool kids put their stuff on FB Marketplace. Even if you don’t actually want anything for it, put like $25 on it. Someone will offer you $10 and be more likely to show up than if you say it’s free. This is what I do to get rid of crap. Then when they try to give me the money I say it’s free, thanks for showing up! :joy:

This is the way. Neat old piece, I bet someone will take it and put in a Bluetooth setup in their retro room.

I’m going to find some industry prop people who might need it for their period piece inventory.

Sorry, not using Facebook for anything.
Might employ someone else to do it, though.
Yes, a cool kid.

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If they ever re-boot Mad Men it will be in high demand.

Test fitting.


Oh that’s beautiful!!!

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I love stained glass. That’s awesome.

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Soapstone going in. They forgot my backsplash so use your imagination. Also, the white electrical outlets are getting swapped to black next week to match the rest. Couldn’t find black when they were installing them.

The vanity looks big in this shot, but it’s 42” wide. Large-ish but not huge.


Why no one in this house should DIY home improvements. I’ve been officing in this room for well over a year and just noticed.

It’s crooked? That’s an easy fix.
The cover plate screws into the actual light switch. But the light switch, where it screws into the receptacle box will have some wiggle room.
Unscrew the cover plate. Loosen the screw holding the top of the switch, slide it vertical then retighten. Throw the cover back on, done.
You’re welcome. Sincerely, Bob Villa.

Protip, the real professionals (aka me) will also line up the slots in the cover plate screws so that they’re both vertical. Not all willy nilly ‘that’s just where I decided to stop turning the screwdriver’ like what’s going on in that picture.

My spouse would kill me if I left stuff like that.
Actually, that’s kinda got me thinking, maybe I’ll randomly move a couple off vertical, see how long it takes to notice.


I picked up my soapstone. This will be the top of a small table next to the washing machine.

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New table or reusing something old?


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Plumbing is done on my bathroom, 100%. More on that next week.

While the plumbers were here, I had them swap out the kitchen faucet. The old one was absolute garbage. Couldn’t modulate the temp, and it was fussy about turning off, it liked to drip. New one isn’t too fancy (Kohler) but it… you know, works properly. Nice win.


I assume the old one couldn’t be fixed with a simple valve replacement? Or maybe just wasnt worth it?

I think it was a $59 unit to begin with, I’m not even sure what brand it was, it didn’t have a label anywhere I could see.

My whole area is done. Mounted the medicine cabinet, installed the knobs, and cleaned it all up. I added an outlet inside the medicine cabinet to charge my clippers which keeps things a little tidier. The man who made the vanity made the medicine cabinet so they are a perfect match.


Very pretty wood.

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I’m annoyed. The electrician decided he needed to add a second box for all the new circuits. But now i have to pull out the recycling bin to open it. If he’d mounted the thing 2 inches higher, i would’ve have this issue.