You can see the new AO here


oh good! i was about to if nobody else did. it bugs me when people don’t know stuff they should.


I didn’t notice this before but the time stamps appear to be UTC. Wonder if that’s a setting. It shows your post at 6:58 PM today which made me :open_mouth: for a second.

The SOA desert has been resurrected multiple times.

Same sand, different pile. :desert:

This. I have no idea what fake email address I used to sign up there years ago.

Wonder if any of the moderators at the new place would catch new topics like “Exam 4 - Fantasy Baseball Keeper League Question from Spring Exam”


Who knows if there’ll be moderators beyond the ominous email address.

The site’s got no flag posts so looks like it’s expected that visitors will fire off an email of their own accord. I expect that to go poorly.

Someone posted a real question on there Thursday night about nonforfeiture rates (I think… didn’t really read the question as I’m not going to create an ID and respond.)

Poor guy is going to be waiting a while. I wonder if it’s a test account they’re playing with.

I noticed the web address is arturo test… I guess the web designer’s name is Arturo?

Whoever wrote the question is obviously familiar with life insurance though… not a random web designer who knows nothing about insurance other than the fact that his car insurance bill comes due every 6 months.

Take2 who posted that question was an AO user ID, not sure if it is the same guy.

Right, I didn’t want to assume it was the same guy.

If it were the same guy, wouldn’t he be called Take3?

Looks like some lost folks wondered into the AO test site. A lot of people that didnt know how to use zombie AO may have missed the bus coming over to GA.

I wonder if “GoActuary” is censored there.

I wonder how long it will take recruiters to figure out they can post here.

IIRC Take2 named himself on having begun his 2nd marriage. AO’s demise would hopefully not cause a 2nd divorce. So not likely Take3. :slight_smile:

Not yet. I have posts pointing the two posters here with a link.

The new AO is still “under construction”. I’m curious when they will unveil it. Or if they will give up.

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There is a bus coming over to GA? In addition to the midnight train?

So you can do a search and get results from both and the backdoor, but then of course you can’t click on them.

So AO lives on in some search engines.

For example, I just searched on ’ “twig93” DW Simpson ’ and got some hits from both regular AO and Zombie AO.