You can see the new AO here

Absolutely zero interest in that site.

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For a second, I thought I saw an 'h" after the “s” in site. :crazy_face:

It does have that feel about it, doesn’t it? And we know how well that went.

I joined the AO for the exam and modules talk. It helped me immensely. I stayed with the AO for the games and sports talk. After exams, I still would chime in to the exams/modules sections if I thought I could be useful.

I think they’ll be able to get some initial interest in the site, there are always exam takers looking for help or reassurance,. But with nothing there, it’ll be a chopping process. Beyond all the lost history that had so much value, I don’t know how they’ll be able to get any momentum. I think r/actuary will end up having the biggest benefit of anything.

The actuary subreddit is usually exam takers and career advice. It’s usually pretty dead. I don’t see this replacement AO being any more successful.

True, although if you go to you still get the “under maintenance” message, so they are obviously not done with it. It has a post now though, so it really is live and apparently you can register & everything. I can’t think why I would bother though. Certainly no point if they don’t at a minimum bring back the old professional threads that would be of interest to me.

This was often my argument when I favored stricter moderation, especially around personal insults or stuff that was degrading or insulting to a group of people. That I doubted this was the kind of stuff that DW Simpson wanted to allow.

And yes, I suspect that stuff like that was the reason they ultimately nuked the place. Too many people being jerks for sport.

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I suspect that VBulletin was the straw that broke the camel’s back. But as I said, a lot of people being jerks for fun on AO was probably hurting DW Simpson’s image to some extent.

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I think you’d have to have paid moderators if you wanted that. Otherwise who will volunteer to be consistently available at 3 AM for moderation issues?

Blah. :sleeping:

i feel like someone should clue that one poster in that most of the regulars moved over here. i feel bad for him.

idk, mod1 was on there a lot. ao fan was on there a lot too, but for some odd reason they never made me a mod.

can someone register an id on there and tell that poor soul about this site?

i’d do it but i don’t wanna.

Mod1 was on there a lot, but Mod1 also slept and went on vacation and such. You certainly couldn’t count on Mod1 being available, particularly in the wee hours of the morning.

We don’t have to re-register.

The wee hours were what we called “the Herodotus shift.”

The Desert has been resurrected. :confused:

True, I meant that we have to register in order to participate on a site that many of us have been posting on for over 15 years. I certainly can’t think of a reason to re-register at this point.

Just checked and the first post was made on the “new AO”. This person was looking for the original but you need to be registered to post. Anyone want to help him/her out to find us here?
