Or capitalize, it seems.
My fingers my choice in that regard.
Feels like a good week to mansplain to you why you’re wrong. :ducks:
About heels, you mean? I’m not easily offended so you could. But then I would say I don’t know why women who aren’t trying to attract a man wear heels. I’ve never been into fashion at all tho, except to the extent of needing to dress appropriately for certain occasions.
Anyway, I really wouldn’t want to attract a man who expected me to wear heels bc they are dang uncomfortable. I did try them when I was younger and had to dress up for the office. And then one day I said “no more” and started wearing flats or only the lowest of heels.
I was just being a jerk, since Roe v Wade is in the news I figured mansplaining was back on the table!!! /red
I’m never not wearing sneakers again.
That doesn’t sound comfortable in bed. Or the shower…
Touche’ it ruins them fast too
Better traction for shower sex?
They make water shoes specifically for that.
I like wearing heels because I’m short so it’s nice to be a little taller.
But I can’t walk on narrow heels. (OK I can, but I don’t like to.) I’m all about big fat chunky heels. You get the benefit of added height without the twisted ankles.
Wendy’s peppermint Frosties are better than McDonald’s shamrock shakes.
Mmmmm toothpaste icecream.
Mmm, sounds good. I wonder if you could do half and half, peppermint and chocolate, that sounds even better to me.
I considered getting both of those flavors and mixing but that requires effort not suited to the drive thru experience or dealing with someone who is suspicious of non-segregated food.
as well as driving around for the 4 (or 8) month gap in when they are typically offered?
Separate but equal
You could also want to mix them 50/50 and your spouse wants more like 75/25, and you’d land on a three-fifths compromise.
Good to know.