Worldle / WhereTaken / WhenTaken

#Worldle #333 5/6 (100%)

Lol same strategy as a couple days ago -stan

#Worldle #333 X/6 (95%)

Alas, if only I weren’t so geographically challenged. I had PakiSTAN as guess 3, but thought the other stans were all west of it instead of north. And, I guess from uncertainty about Pakistan’s location, my remaining three guesses were all east of it and hence southeast of the correct answer.

I guessed right first guess, but only because of neighbor being subject on a recent day.

Ha, I don’t think I’ve done much the past few years. Like many hobbies, it comes and goes with time. Luckily, refreshing memory is a lot easier than memorizing in the first place.

#Worldle #338 3/6 (100%)

Think I had this one relatively recently, but likely would have gotten it within 6 anyway, even if I didn’t before.

Yes, I believe we did. I also got it in 3. I was disappointed in myself for not remembering, as I think I may have made the same 3 guesses as last time.

#Worldle #341 3/6 (100%)

Incredibly lucky. Somehow I also got yesterday, in 6.

Is there a way to go to past ones?

For the FAQ

Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 10.29.31 AM

I suspect that means you could find the map and the answer (or maybe only the answer), but could not make guesses on a prior game.

#Worldle #344 5/6 (100%)

I didn’t think guess 5 would be right, but guess 4 was the first within 2000 miles, and after scrolling through the list of countries nothing else seemed to have a chance. (No need to spoiler, since it’s been shown my limited knowledge of geography gives little relevance to what I think has a chance.)

#Worldle #346 6/6 (100%)

Me too

#Worldle #346 6/6 (100%)

#Worldle #348 6/6 (100%)

A win is a win

#Worldle #349 1/6 (100%)

Ok, a little (too) proud about this one.

Thought process:

Island, no land boundaries. Not a tropical, too jagged. Not Faroes (more N/S i think) not Spitzbergen - not a country anyway. Remembering iceberg stories in the news (and a few ecosphere related articles) lead to answer.

#Worldle #349 5/6 (100%)

5 for me is pretty amazing.

Getting a little better at these, perhaps because I’ve seen some of them before.

#Worldle #350 6/6 (100%)

#Worldle #351 3/6 (100%)

Took 3, but I was very optimistic that it would get it within 3 before first guess, even more so after first.

#Worldle #352 1/6 (100%)

I think I got it only after having missed it some time ago.

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I claim foul. It was giving me distances to the correct location, but not directions. I really think if I had direction I would not gave guessed most of these.


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That screenshot doesn’t show my final guess, which was Bosnia and Herzogovina. Same confusion about direction

Unicorn shape led me to guess in 1, so no info from me on directions. My beef was on neighbors. Did not include Syria and Israel/Palestine overlapped.