Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

Got an appointment Friday evening to get the omicron shot and a flu shot. Should be ok, I got four vaccines at once in 2019 and didn’t feel too bad, we’ll see.

My wife informed me that she didn’t want to wait until mid-October to get her bivalent booster…and we have a pretty busy calendar for the next couple of months. So, we’re scheduled to get our fifth doses of Pfizer and our flu shots next Friday, which is the only day for the next month-plus where we have nothing scheduled for the following days.

Hopefully if the new formulations have any novel side effects, they will be revealed between now and then.

I’ll save that October date I had in mind for my second dose of Shingrix.

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Flu + pfizer updated booster scheduled for next friday (9/16)

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Flu + Moderna updated booster scheduled for Sunday Sunday Sunday!!! (09/11)

Are you guys getting both in the same arm?

Just got stabbed with the updated moderna booster in the left and regular flu shot in the right arm. Treated myself to an ice cream cone on the bike ride home.

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'cuz you were a good boy and didn’t cry?

I should have thought of that when I got blood drawn the other day… maybe I’ll get ice cream tonight, because I always deserve it.


You never need an excuse, but it’s fun to make one up sometimes


I am boosted! Pfizer x4

Also got the flu shot today. The pain difference in the needles was noticeable. The covid one barely hurt, consistent with past experiences, the flu shot stung pretty bad. Pharmacist says they use different gauges.


Got mine in the same arm, and it’s my non-dominant one.

Although, as I am not a “guy”, I guess I shouldn’t be responding.

congrats. soon you will be invincible with smoothie.

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Can’t get bivalent booster yet (no access here), don’t really see the point in getting a fourth regular jab since also had omicron infection.

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Joint achiness is setting in, should be a fun night. Ordered some sushi and am watching Schitt’s Creek in bed, probably won’t be doing much tomorrow.


Was achy for like a day and a half. I’m ok now.

Getting the vaccine on a Friday morning was the right call. Woke up still feeling achey, but now, 27 hours later, I’m feeling pretty much normal. No fever this time. Of the 4 Pfizer’s, this one ranked #2, just behind my first where I had no reaction. Arm is still sore, but that’s pretty much it.

The first booster was miserable, had a fever and joint pain, but I got that one at 6 PM and started reacting the next morning.


i’m getting it next saturday afternoon hoping to recover by monday. last time i got it on a friday and my arm hurt pretty quickly after and didn’t feel great working friday.

Hard to come across as a kool kid at work if you have an aching arm.

Yeah my arm didn’t really hurt until yesterday evening, thankfully.

i’d think that the J&J/moderna posse coolness factor would radiate from within regardless, but better not to risk it.

I had mine on Thursday about 1pm. Had a headache and a bit tired until about 5pm Friday. Mine was Moderna. Got regular flu shot at the same time.

Weaselette had hers Thursday afternoon. Her joints were achy all day and a headache Friday. Back to normal by Saturday morning.

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