What's for Lunch?

Casey’s is installing quite a few EV chargers, so I can foresee myself eating a fair amount of Casey’s pizza in the future!

I had Thai for lunch, I’m trying to shake the last bit of a cold and figured some :hot_pepper: might get things flowing.

But Casey’s isn’t the sort of place where you sit down and eat the pizza unless the seat is in your car - or I guess if there is some scenic place nearby?

Lunch today is a chicken salad whole wheat bagel and some pasta a bit later.

We shall see, I pick up my new Tesla in 25 hours. Most weeks/months I don’t drive far enough to need a charge, since I have a level 2 charger in my garage.

On the odd road trip, in the midwest, I’ll kind of be at the mercy of where the chargers are located, and may have to adjust my meal plans accordingly. If Casey’s installs reliable DC fast chargers, I’ll use them, and that’ll mean occasionally having a couple of slices of pizza.

The two chargers I’m most likely to use happen to be in areas where I can walk to local coffee shops and restaurants, which will be pretty nice.

There’s a strip mall close to work and it is actually kind of funny to see a row of cars recharging, each with a person sitting behind the wheel looking intently at their phone.

“Famous for pizza” is Casey’s slogan.

I used to joke about going there all the time with my daughter and for years she was aghast. Now she takes me out to late night pizza there from time to time.

It’s certainly not great, but, like almost all pizza, is enjoyable.


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leftover air-fried lemon pepper chicken with oven roasted asparagus

Chili chicken wrap from the deli counter at a grocery store. It had a nice piece of gristle in it. :unamused: :confounded:

beef and cheddar croissant

Today will be a tunafish sandwich.

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Something light, since we’re going to a fish fry at my church tonight.

Channa masala. :hot_face:



Wife requested a lunch date in my fancy new ride. We went to our tamale place, that has some amazing pozole, so that’s what I got.

I need to pick up a few specialty items from HMart, so I think I will eat up there as the selection of adjacent restaurants is interesting. Debating on the following

Laotian food: https://snackboxebistro.com/?page_id=10
Korean fried chicken: Pelicana - Order Online
Korean BBQ: Menu — Miss Gogi
Chinese meat skewers: https://www.crazyskewers.com/

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Decided on Korean BBQ: chicken bulgogi


I’m on the same wavelength today. Our Korean place has just opened, I ordered spicy fried chicken with a salad.


Salmon, Tzsimmes, farfalle stuffing, and some gefilte fish


Salad with tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers and hearts of palm. Also olives, an apple, and gluten-free matzo - way better than the regular kind. Tried to have gefilte fish but can’t open the jar.

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