What is your COVID vaccine position?


Please vote in this poll, and feel free to continue the conversation there, or here, or in both threads.

I started with Lucy’s suggestion but subdivided to allow for more nuance.

And thanks for inspiring me to figure out how to create a poll with this software.

Yeah, I was going to mention that to RoyWalley, that vaccine hesitancy well-predates the covid vaccine, and there are, sadly, plenty of people who are hesitant to get the measles vaccine, too. And as with the covid vaccine, a lot of the fear has been manufactured by people who are actually lying. The liars quite possibly think they are doing so for a good cause. I rather suspect that the guy who faked data about the risks of the measles vaccine believed it caused autism, and when unable to prove it, he made up the data.

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Let’s go over it again. Lucy is confused at how vaccine requirements became controversial. After all, she needed to be fully vaccinated with the standard childhood stuff to attend her public school system.

It takes time for the public to accept a new vaccination as part of “the standard childhood stuff”. And we don’t normally roll out a new vaccine and expect all adults to take it within a few months of release. Is there any other vaccine as required or on its way to being required for adults in as many places as the COVID vaccine? We haven’t even mentioned proof ov vaccination and vaccine passports yet. Result: Controversy.

Do-gooders may be thinking that the best course of action is to get as many people vaccinated as possible and by any means necessary. I’m sure they think they’re just doing what’s right. Forget old causes of hesitancy because what they don’t realize is, whether through ignorance or obstinance, they are currently some of the biggest contributers to vaccine hestitancy. People have different timelines for acceptance. When people are a little suspicious and get pushed too much, they become a lot suspicious. Then instead of taking the vaccine later this year or some time in 2022, they never take it. Or if they take it only by mandate, they’re going to skip the boosters unless that’s also by mandate. Any new vaccines that come along will also have to be by mandate. And I suspect we’ll see a decline in “the standard adult stuff” like the annual flu vaccine.

But that’s okay because we’ll have health papers for public places, right? (Health papers, or the believe it will happen, contributes to the controversy Lucy finds so confusing)

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Because they are worth the cost. A fat employee also doesn’t kill anyone else. Fat is not transmissible. Being fat is not a good comp to being unvaccinated against a viral disease.


I wonder what the correlation is between “being fat” and “being hospitalized because you have COVID”.

This sounds convenient for people who refuse the vaccine. It lets them make the less moral, less responsible choice and blame it on the people telling them to do the right thing.

Do you have any evidence that people are less likely to refuse the vaccine if only people don’t tell them they should get it?

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I dispute this, too. I’ve been reading people’s commentary about their vaccine-hesitant relatives being pressured to get vaccinated by employer mandates (on other message boards) and the actual result of being vaccinated seems to typically be, “oh, that wasn’t actually so bad.” I’ve read that the spouse decided to get it, too, after seeing up close and personal that it’s not a big deal.

Will some be resentful and refuse boosters? No doubt. But I’d guess that’s less common than the opposite reaction.

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Less moral, less responsible, blaming the people who are simply telling them to do the right thing. Keep going with that approach. It has worked very well so far.

You mean like a peer reviewed study?

Do you believe that the moral, responsible people are simply telling them they should get it? Do you think it is being received as simple advice?

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Very high. But it’s easy to get vaccinated, and almost anyone can do it. It’s hard to stop being fat, and only a tiny fraction of fat people who try to stop being fat ever succeed more than briefly.

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I don’t have to read third-hand commentary about vaccine-hesitant strangers to get my information. So I reject your dispute.

Then mandate that the fat people get vaccinated.

The polio vaccine was required for kids immediately after it was approved. And because the approval process was laxer then (it didn’t include the details on all the plants manufacturing it that are now required) the vaccine from one plant was improperly made and gave kids polio. And it was still required.

No, it wasn’t required for adults. Do you know why we haven’t had a new vaccine required for adults before? Because this is the first new disease to spread to the US for which we have a good vaccine.
All our previous vaccines have been for diseases that were already widespread, and that adults were already immune to (or had already been killed in childhood by), like measles, or that aren’t terribly contagious by casual contact, like hepatitis. I strongly recommend you get the hepatitis A and B vaccines, but if you catch either of those, you won’t be a risk to the people you sit next to at a ball game.

If Ebola even breaks out here, I bet the ebola vaccine will be required for adults, too.


I can’t figure out why some people might want to give it some time before getting a new vaccine.

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That’s fine. But that’s exactly the status of your claims to me. You are giving me third-hand commentary, heck, not even anecdote, just speculation, about vaccine-hesitant strangers.

Your claims seem implausible to me. I suppose someone will do a study, and perhaps we’ll know a year from now.

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I kind of give you more than that, on this and a lot of topics. It’s your choice to accept it or not.

I can. If I’d been a front line medical worker, i might have been hesitant, too. But that was nine months ago. We have now seen 6 billion covid vaccinations administered around the world, and we’ve had a lot of time to see the real-world problems. And…the only serious problem that’s emerged is that they don’t last as long as we might have hoped, especially the Chinese ones.

There have been lots of problems with various vaccines. But you know what… They’ve all manifested immediately, or within weeks.

Also, this is wonky, and not terribly persuasive unless you read medical stuff. But the mRNA vaccines are really elegant. There’s almost nothing in them other than the spike protein that you’d be exposed to if you got infected. It’s hard to come up with a mechanism where those vaccines could be more dangerous than actually catching covid. And the disease is infectious enough that pretty much everyone who isn’t vaccinated is going to catch it.


People saying that they want to give it more time I think are mostly waiting on it to become socially acceptable in their circle, not waiting on more data.


9 months is the timeline you are comfortable with. Others require more time. Push them, as is currently being done, lengthens that time.

United Airlines has about 0.3% that refused to get vaccinated and could not get a medical or religious exemption. They are well ahead of the rest of the US.