What did you do this weekend?

ah well to @BG5150

(43) I Just Had Sex - SNL Digital Short - YouTube

This past weekend I went to my first funeral in a while. It was for a lady that husbandā€™s family knows well - I donā€™t know how to explain the community because I grew up neither religious nor in a multi-family multi-generational church community but maybe that already explains it. Anyways. This other family that is close to husbandā€™s family - their ā€œnanaā€ died - so husband and I attended (left the teenie boppers at home because I canā€™t imagine either of them not complaining to go home after the first 10 minutes).

Lotā€™s of people in attendence at this thing were either surprised at my existence in general, or surprised that I would attend such an event.

First reason being Iā€™m not even sure if I met the deceased but the more obvious reason being that, given my husband was already married for 11 years - in that church - people were suspicious about me being an alien or something. I got at least 2 thank YOUs for being here with the emphasis on YOU like WTF are you even doing here you must be crazy (one was a current maybe former I donā€™t keep track of ex-wifeā€™s best friends). Ex-wife did not attend.

One really, really nice person gave me a hug right at the beginning and told me I was a trooper and that it must be so awkward for me to be there. I liked her a lot but I wasnā€™t really worried about being awkward until somebody reminded me that this should be awkward. Iā€™ve been married to this guy for 3 years do people ever get over divorces around here?

Groceries, dim sum, helped a friendā€™s son with some quant stuff for CFA LI. Poor slob is in the afternoon session right about now.

Sounds more like the ex created an interesting picture of you for the past 11+ years or so.

Pre-emptive weekend planning

Anyone in the MSP area who wants to see the greatest rock band New Jersey ever gave the world? Thatā€™s right, Titus Andronicus is playing at the Turf Club Saturday. With the Country Westerns. Doors open at 8pm. I have extra tickets you can have for free. I will also be there.

While I will also see Springsteen on Sunday at the XCel, he is 2nd until further notice.


Had our 6th wedding anniversary dinner last night.

The weather cooperated which was great as the location for dinner worked best outside in the balmy 23C. My wife enjoyed a lot.

Great view of the sunset from the dining area:


I recovered from some looong days marking papers.

I donā€™t have imposter syndrome, but they had breaks during marking for all the math nerds. In one, the prof did a math trick, then explained why it works. He starts by asking if anyone sees why it works. Nobody did. Then he did some quick calcsā€¦nothing from anybody.
Then he said, if you solve this, you get the golden ratio. A bunch of people exclaimed Ooooooh, like that makes sense. Iā€™m sitting there realizing I have absolutely no idea whatā€™s going on lol.

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ugly rainy weekend

Did preliminary seating for sonā€™s wedding, went to dinner Friday for Restaurant Week, Saturday for BiLā€™s Bā€™day

Slept, quilted, binged tv, younger son had a sleepover at our house, older son had a friend over for dinner yesterday.

Similiar, when I did my undergrad, Iā€™m at office hours with a prof, and another student sitting in.
Iā€™m asking, I get A->B, and B-C> but the solution goes C-D immediately. I donā€™t understand.
Prof says, A->B. Yep. B->C. Yep. C->D. Me: I donā€™t get it.
Prof does it again, jumps C->D without explanation. Me: Still donā€™t get it. How do you go immediately from C->D?
The prof and the student were incredulous lol. Prof: You donā€™t understand that? Me: Nope - thatā€™s what Iā€™m asking.
Prof proceeds to prove a very fundamental identity. Me: Well, NOW I know that lol. Not exaggerating, both the prof and the other student were looking at me like Iā€™m an idiot lol.

Volunteered for a local sports organization.

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Toured Angkor Wat and several other historical sites in Cambodia with my son. Photo shows us with a local guide that my son recruited for his company 12 years ago when he was recruiting tour guides throughout SE Asia.


Wow! That is a bucket list item for sure, I hope itā€™s an amazing experience for you and your son. Iā€™m 108% jealous. :grinning:


Is that the son who had the bike accident?

Yes. He usually wears an eye patch to aid his vision and he has a walking stick. He discarded both for the photo.

No matter where we travel on this trip there are guides whom he hired 10+ years ago and remember him well as he was a very outgoing, fun guy. They are saddened by how he has been changed by the accident but have have been very supportive.

We have been in Ho Chi Minh City since the weekend. The Vietnam War was the big story of my youth so we went to the Reunification Palace yesterday. This was the South Vietnamā€™s government offices during the war and has been preserved since 1975. It was interesting seeing the War Room, the Presidentā€™s Office but most of all the room where Kissinger told the South Vietnam President that he was basically on his own. History relived.

Only challenge on this trip has been the heat. Temperature has hit 36C every day and it is very humid. We do a lot of walking but need to find indoor AC every hour or so. The ideal time to have visited would have been during the Northern winter and I would make that suggestion to anyone contemplating a trip here. Only consolation this time of year is that there are fewer tourists and we are finding great hotel deals, etc.

Photo of my son pre-accident in the link below. He is still involved on a volunteer basis with his former company, Tours By Locals. They have been fantastically supportive of his disability.


Itā€™s actually been two weekends now but had another daughter


If it were a contest, this would be the winner.


Also, need to check what you posted ITT ~9 months ago.


I had big plans for this weekend. Went to bed at 8:30 on Friday, slept for 12 hours, and then proceeded to do exactly none of the things on my list. Sigh.


Laundry, groceries, friendsā€™ sonā€™s stag & doe, a weensy bit of actuarializing.

Itā€™s cold and rainy today. :frowning: