What did you do this weekend?

Spent 13 hours in the hospital. :frowning:

ohh, you? for someone?

No, me.

Fainted after being sick with a stomach bug, cracked my head really good.

Spent some quality family together time since most of us have COVID (me 2nd timer, the rest 1st time). Crosspost annoyed thoughts. At least i won’t have it at the life meeting.

Saturday, took some students fishing and swimming.
Sunday, caught up on stuff around the house. changed batteries in smoke detectors, cleaned the boat, cut the lawn, etc.
Also had a look at the rabbit nest in my carrot patch. Nobody home, looks like the babies got big enough to leave. So I start pulling a few carrots. Nope, they were big enough to leave the nest, but were still in the garden (which is a raised bed). Two wee fellows took off. I was concerned that they wouldn’t be able to return and jump back into the carrot patch, where the mother feeds them (I see the mother most early evenings).
Spouse and I managed to corner one and I put him back. The second one, no sign…until this morning when I find him in the garage. Been there overnight. Anyway, the second one’s back in the carrots as well.

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Tramping = Walk over to xyzs place for a quick lay. Lulz.

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This weekend was wife’s birthday. Went to a nice dinner in north jersey (B+ meal).

On the way home, stopped by a local bar for one drink. Ran into a couple groups of people we hadn’t seen in a while. Stayed for like 3 hours.

Sunday, dishwasher started leaking.

18th anniversary!! Had a fancy dinner and then rested.

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Friday - had dinner and played board games with parents

Saturday - programed grandparents new vacuum cleaner

Sunday - went to farm to plant turnips and radishes. 2% chance of rain became 100% real fast and got soaked. Afternoon played some board games with in-laws

Thursday - took off afternoon, went to beach with wife, our grandson, and SiL and BiL. Grilled down there

Friday - worked, went to Met game at night with wife’s cousin

Saturday - a couple of hours at the park with grandson, lunch out and we drove him back home (3 1/2 hours). Stayed the night to watch grand kids, so daughter and son-in-law could go out for his birthday

Sunday - early breakfast, then headed home. Was going directly to Met game, but well ahead of schedule, so spent 1 1/2 at outlets on way home. Vegged out in the evening

Friday: nothing much
Saturday: took my dad to the grocery store and went to the gym. My wife had a girls(*) party next door. I just stayed home and watched TV
Sunday: Went to the gym my son had a football scrimmage and just kinda sat around after that. We had a big charcuterie plate for dinner

(*) was I misogynistic there?

Did Missus Bee Gee call it a “girls party”???

it’s not misogynistic to use the word “girls” where you would use the word “guys” for a similar statement about men. If you’re using the word “men” it should be “women” for the female gender.

Not much.

Watched a lot of soccer
Took long walks Saturday and Sunday with a stop at the dog park both days
Wrote a short white paper on an insurance issue for a political candidate

Groceries, Starbucks, Panera, takeout BBQ.

If my and my buddies were hanging out, I wouldn’t call it a ‘boys party.’

Calling it a ‘women’s party’ or ‘ladies party’ just sounds weird.

If you wouldn’t call it a boys party, but feel fine calling it a girls party, you might have to think about why that is.

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I said “guys”, not “boys” to be the equivalent to “girls”. Did you even read my post?

They called it a ‘girls’ party’.

then that’s fine