What did you do this weekend?

Played Hearts and Oh Hell with parents and wife. Went fishing for catfish. Clean fish. Clean boat

I knocked off work a little early Thursday and drove about 5 hours to see my parents. We had some drinks and stayed up til around midnight chatting about old times. Then Friday about 20 family and friends came over and we had a pool party. My parentā€™s backyard/pool area is incredible, and I hadnā€™t seen many of these people in years, it was a great time. The best part was hanging with the newly 1-year-old nephew, who was getting the biggest kick out of playing in the water and calling everyone mommy and paw-paw.

Saturday we drove back home, stopping halfway to see some friends that were in a different town for a concert. We had a really good Thai meal and drank borderline too many drinks. Got home and then went to see the two other nephews, who were being babysat by grandma (my MIL on my g-lassieā€™s side). They are 7 and 2 and quite the handful, she appreciate the help. MIL came over on Sunday for some wine in our backyard.

It was a really satisfying weekend - as much as I love live music and travelling and sight-seeing, nothing beats good fam-time the older I get. Heart is full!


My wife and son were out of town, so I took the opportunity to be a total bum. Iā€™m not sure I accomplished anything on Saturday. Sunday I went to a long-ish bike ride and grilled steak/potatoes/asparagus.

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Sat in the recliner with an ice pack either in my crotch, under my butt or along my leg. Occasionally got up and went outside just to move a little bit.

Probably more of the same this weekend.

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I went to a Buy Local fair sponsored by the Louisville Small Business Association. Outside of a few food trucks it was a bunch of vendors with tents. Not the arts and crafts type vendors either, but the type with pyramid scheme products, stuff they bought off Alibaba, CBD oil, Cutco, etc. those type of vendors. It was a big meh.

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Went hiking for the first time. Pulled a dad and took a ā€œshort cutā€ off the trail. Carried my kid down a steep rocky hill. Used a fallen tree as a bridge. Played in the river. Trespassed through an HOA. And walked farther than I have in years, which is not that far.

That little adventure should cover us for the next 300 hours of straight TV watching.


Never been hiking before? This is so foreign to my experience.

I havenā€™t taken my kid hiking before. I have been hiking a couple times in my adult life, though I donā€™t remember the last time.

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when does a walk become a hike?

Blurry line, but what Iā€™d say are distinguishing features:

If itā€™s mostly paved or boardwalk, itā€™s walking
If itā€™s mostly dirt and out in nature, itā€™s hiking

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Wait you were in Nashville too?

I brought home some moonshine and a case of Covid. :cry:


Well, that sucks. Is that why youā€™ve been laying low lately? Or maybe youā€™re just posting in threads Iā€™m not reading.

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What happens in Nashville doesnā€™t stay in Nashville


Yikes, is this the 2nd time you got covid or am i thinking of someone else?

Separately, going to nashville Saturday. :grimacing:


I kept out of site of Broadway, to much ew! there. Was in the southern part (Franklin and Brentwood) most the time. I went to the Grande Ole Opry for Barbara Mandrelā€™s 50th anniversary (she retired after her 25th, didnā€™t sing, but people were gushing at her excellence). Carrie Underwood was the headline. Dang, CU is so pretty!

Yes 2nd time. Iā€™ve been vaxxed and boosted since the first time. This case is much milder. More of a nuisance.

Smart. Wish I had!! :joy:

When the cost of the accessories exceeds $200


More than you needed to know:

Walk: A walk tends to be done on defined tracks and reasonably smooth surfaces without too many obstacles in the way. Walking does not tend to need special equipment apart from a day pack with the essentials and generally walks are around regions where accommodation is readily available. Walks are shorter in duration and able to be enjoyed by any age group with relative fitness.

Hike: A hike tends to be longer and harder walks that are usually on trails through the mountains or trails through bush or countryside terrain. The trails are generally visible trails but not the smooth surfaces of a walk. Hikes tend to be longer than walks and require proper equipment and footwear as terrain and trails are more rugged. Hiking tends to see you move from lower to higher as you progress and are generally more undulating than a walk.

Trek: A trek is used to define a walk or hike which tends to be multi-day, remote, little in the form of accommodation (generally camp-based) with trails that are either partially visible or not visible at all and where altitude or other rugged terrain and crossings may be encountered. Treks require the most specialised equipment and will see you probably without a shower for days on end. Treks are generally in regions where other forms of transport other than being on foot are not possible and where you tend to carry your own gear and backpack.

Tramping: Elsewhere in the world, it would be called backpacking, rambling, hill walking or bushwalking. New Zealanderā€™s, see it as walking over rough terrain often with a backpack and wet-weather gear and needing to carry equipment for cooking and sleeping. Did Kiwiā€™s not like the word ā€˜hikeā€™ or did they think this was a ā€˜walkā€™ but for intrepid outdoor enthusiasts?

Well, Kiwiā€™s werenā€™t the only ones to come up with their own terms. Here are some more quirks from the walking community:

Rambling: Mostly used in the UK, this word is used for walking in the countryside with many rambling clubs and groups, meeting to take part in this outdoor pastime. Rambling was an outdated English expression meantime to walk without purpose, but Ramblers walk with purpose and on defined routes. Hill walking is also commonly used for walking in the mountains and hills in the UK.

Nordic Walking: Now, weā€™re sure you have seen Nordic walkers around, that is, walkers with sticks! It evolved from a type of ski-training out of the snowy season and seems to not only have stuck but become popular around the world. Specially designed poles give more power and support whilst walking and a great all-body workout.

Pilgrimage: This one is a walk with purpose. Usually, it can be defined as a journey to an unknown or foreign place. A journey of discovery; an inner journey to find meaning in oneself or nature. A pilgrimage tends to be long-distance, challenging the body and the mind at the same time and often leading to personal transformation and development. Some of the most famous ones are Camino de Santiago in Spain and the Kumano Kodo in Japan. Most on a pilgrimage have a reason for taking part and completing it, which stems deeper than simply a love of walking and the outdoors.

from: https://worldexpeditions.com/Blog/difference-between-a-walk-hike-trek-and-tramp

Friday - Mets Game with a friend
Saturday - wife had to stay with her dad, since the aide had a family emergency
Watched two movies and finished a book. Got to the beach at 3:30, stayed until 9:30
Sunday - breakfast, beach - 11:00 - 2:00, then to the Met game.