What are you watching (bingeing) these days?

Started second season of Cedar Cove. It was going to be $24.99 to purchase so I just added the Hallmark channel for a few months. There are 3 seasons total and the maybe I will watch some of their sappy Christmas movies. Every once in a while I just need to binge on Hallmark Christmas movies.

Loved that one

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We are int he middle of streaming Dahmer on Netflix. A dramatization of the Jeff Dahmer story.

As with many things Netflix, this probably could have been adequately handled in half the episodes.

The Dahmer character half reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.

We are also watching week-to-week Handmaids Tale.

Gets stupider each week. Can’t wait to be done with this.

Whilst watching Handmaids Tale, came across Reboot with Keegan Michael Key and Paul Reiser. About a group of actors/writer rebooting a 00’s sitcom with the same actors.

Some funny bits, but like a Friends from College but on a studio lot instead of NYC.

totally agree! imagine for a second another season somehow. are there other levels of unhinged/angry shouting that june can demonstrate? I think not.

Agree with this, but The Crown seems to be an exception. They’ve cut so much I think they could’ve done it in double the episodes.

That’s unfortunate as it was so well done in the early seasons.

finished Better Call Saul.

didn’t expect the last 3 episodes to take the path they did. but a solid pathway that did take you right up to where breaking bad would have commenced. a great show IMO.

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Well, the first season had the original source material. The second, I bet, had Maggie Atwood’s notes.

After that, everyone is winging it.

Just realized there’s a thread for this…

I would just add in this thread that the earlier Handmaid’s Tale movie followed Atwood’s book closely but still flopped. I think the current show’s producers were smart to consult Atwood heavily in the production aspects and Elizabeth Moss was a fantastic choice for the main character.

The first season was a very good adaptation of the book. The second season was enjoyable. The 3rd season was a bit of a hot mess. I did not make through season 4 though I tried.

The original movie followed the book pretty closely. I think it was ahead of it’s time and maybe tried to cover too much in a movie format.


These are fun. I liked their redo of Much Ado About Nothing & Taming of the Shrew… haven’t looked at the other two yet.

Episode 6 of Dahmer was a rough one.

I’ve just watched the old BBC television series of “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” and “Smiley’s People” on YouTube. Each consist of six episodes of about 55 minutes. Absolutely superbly done, even though I didn’t follow much of what was happening. I immediately watched them both again, and enjoyed them just as much second time around (and followed them much better.) Alec Guinness as George Smiley is outstanding but there are many other excellent performances as well.


Midnight Mass (Netflix)

very good!!

Need to watch Midnight Club still. Will probably watch that soon

a bit slow, I liked the others better

Is that a 4th in the Trilogy?