What are you reading?

We have an entire thread for Sanderson! Way of Kings (WoK) is pretty awesome, if you can get through the first half(ish). He does a lot of world/character building, but if you can get through the slog, the payoff is amazing. Great series, and my favorite fantasy author.

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Thanks for letting me know. Sanderson is a favorite of some of my colleagues so I thought Iā€™d give him a try.

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FWIW, WoK is a hard book to start on. Usually I recommend Mistborn (The Final Empire) or Elantris to start into the world of Sanderson. WoK is an awesome book though, so if you can make through, itā€™s worth it. Just donā€™t feel discouraged if you have been listening for 5 hours and you still arenā€™t sure who the main character is :rofl:

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Klara and the Sun.

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Yeah, I can get through it, but I think Iā€™m gonna need the kindle version to help me keep track of stuff.

Iā€™m not even 5 hours in. So far it feels like a series of short stories.

Yeah, it takes a while to settle in and realize who youā€™re supposed to care about. I remember reading the first chapter thinking I was supposed to care about this young soldier put into a new groupā€¦ only to find out quickly that no, I should not form attachments with that character!

Did not like.

Been a while since I remembered this thread existed.

I enjoyed love lives here ā€“ interesting perspective to have (written by a NB person that had both their daughter and wife come out as trans before they came out as NB).

Then just devoured The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. 5 novellas and a full length novel, and Iā€™m now anxious for the next book to come out already. Just a fun set of stories ā€” Murderbot is a fantastic character.

Now reading the first book of Naomi Novikā€™s Temeraire series, which is a book about a captain in the Age of Sail ā€¦ who becomes a dragon rider. So far, itā€™s really promising ā€“ itā€™s a long series (8 or 9 books), so that might become my summer reading list.


Iā€™ll second this! Very fun series.

Read all of those, then read Battle of the Linguist Mages, then finished the Dragonlance Chronicles, Lost Chronicles, and am almost done with the Legends trilogy.

Dunno if Iā€™ll continue with my Dragonlance reread or take a break with some other fantasy.

Iā€™m not familiar with Murderbot, but added it to the list. When I searched for Murderbot, this tshirt popped up, and I almost ordered it without ever reading any of the books. Murderbot Diaries SecUnit Cares - Murderbot - T-Shirt | TeePublic

ha, I love it.

Murderbot is likeā€¦ a more upbeat Marvin the Paranoid Android. That can kill.

The Zimmerman Telegram by Barbara Tuchman

I didnā€™t know that the U.S. (or rather, Wilson & House) allowed the Germans to use the State Deptā€™s cable to send CODED telegrams back-and-forth while the U.S. was neutral, while the Germans were supposedly considering us as a peace broker. How dumb was that.

In between chapters of The Way of Kings Iā€™m reading Gone Gull by Donna Andrews.

Taking a break. Started Thomas the Rhymer and The Master and Margarita.

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I love The Master and Margarita. Love the demonic cat, as it were


I finished The Dawn of Everything. It was very interesting, and I can see why they made it so long, but I personally could have done with something closer to the Cliffs Notes version.

Iā€™m on to Parker Pyne Investigates just because it needs to go back to the library in a few days.


This was the first book I finished for the summer reading program and when I went to log it, I found the theme part was for bonus points. So everyone needs to read less this year? That doesnā€™t seem right.

Well done! Iā€™m part way through it and also trying to read the other book by Graeber (one of the authors) Bullshit Jobs. Itā€™s a slow reading year for me.

I finished Parker Pyne Investigates. The stories at the start seemed like variations of each other and the characters didnā€™t get much development, even for short stories. But the stories got better as it went along. Itā€™s still not something to go out of your way for, though.

Iā€™m probably going to hit a couple more of the shorter books. Maybe a Colin Cotterill or two. Oh, I"ll probably try Sea of Tranquility by Emily St John Mandel first. I really liked Station Eleven and The Glass Hotel. Oh, and All Systems Red has come in, so maybe that will be after Sea of Tranquility.