What are you reading?

Nice. To add a bit, I think Orlando is too whimsical-- sometimes that’s fun, but also too many dumb jokes.

And her less experimental fiction, like Night and Day, is pretty boring because she doesn’t do plot.

Lighthouse is just the right level of stream-of-consciousness-- where it’s neither super boring nor completely inscrutable.

Not sure about The Waves though, I’ll try that too.

Speaking of, I found my Rilke diary again. Which is also stream of consciousness without being toooooo weird.

It’s… something else, ha. Very stream of consciousness, following 6 characters concurrently. I did check out the wiki on it about 40 pages in and found that the characters are likely based on Woolf on 5 of her friends (including T.S. Eliot).

I’ve completed my Euripides read with Herakles, Cyclops (the raunchiest of the extant tragedies!), and Phoenician Women (which feels like it colored Statius’s Thebaid more than Seven Against Thebes did)., as well as Aristophanes’ The Clouds. I also finished Alisdair Gray’s Poor Things and will likely watch the movie this weekend.

I’m currently ‘actively reading’ Moby Dick (50%), Woolf’s The Waves (25%), Vaslav Nijinksy’s diary (10%), Agatha Christie’s The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (10%), and Dan Simmons’ Endymion (10%). I need to get back into Don Quixote, Orlando Innamorato, Paradiso, Le Morte D’Arthur, and my Chrétien de Troyes collection (I read Erec and Enide but stopped reading Cligès about 25% in for no reason). I really need to wrap these all up before starting any new reads, ha.

I’m leaning toward the Green Bone Saga as my next big SFF read after I finish Endymion and Rise of Endymion,

Please let me know how you like it; I’ve picked up a bunch of contemporary ‘retellings’ of classics and might be interested in adding that one to the list.

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just picked up Divergent. Does the book stand up on its own?

It’s been a long time but I think Divergent is ok on its own. The others probably not.

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My vague recollection is that stopping after Divergent wouldn’t have been 100% satisfying, but would have been ok and also be better than finishing the series.

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I devoured this, ha; finished it late last night after a 200 page (!) day on one book. Agatha Christie is amazing.


seems to be a popular sentiment of young adult SF

I was impressed by N. K. Jemisin. That trilogy was one of the best that I’ve read (I usually bail out after two books).

Next Genre - Woman’s Fiction -

Rashi’s Daughters - Book III Rachel - Maggie Anton

3rd and last of a series. Really enjoyed the first, second was ok. This is a semi-fictionalized history of the Talmudic scholar Rashi. As a Jew who does Torah study, there was a lot in these I enjoyed. I couldn’t say how much they would appeal to someone with less knowledge of the background.

I have a feeling the third will be more romance and less history than the others, but need to complete the series.

This could have also been Romance or Historical Fiction

I’m at the end of Fifth Season and won’t subject myself to any more. I don’t understand it and don’t really care to.

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Would you say it’s similar to Game of Thrones in that regard? I barely made it through the first book. Too many characters and took a long time before the different storylines started weaving together. I didn’t find it interesting until nearing the end but didn’t care enough to continue to the next book.

I never got through Game of Thrones. But, yes, similar in that regard but GOT was also more graphic than I typically prefer.

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Yeah, that one caused an uproar at the time


You didn’t even get to the books that introduce even MORE Characters!

Just read “A Wiki of Ice And Fire” online to get the Cliff’s Notes version.

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I’ll pass. :roll_eyes:

Started Prognosis: A Memoir of my Brain by Sarah Vallance. Not sure how it ended up on my list. I may have had it mixed up with another book. But I had it on Audible and it’s not long and it’s certainly a perspective that is new to me. (It’s the story of Vallance’s experience after a traumatic brain injury.)

Been on a David Crystal audiobook kick lately

He’s one of the few authors where it’s best for the author to read the book
and I think the books are best as audiobooks, because he’s a linguist, and his specialty is spoken language

It’s best to hear his examples rather than read them

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First time for that book? It’s a memorable one.

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