United States Congressional & Gubernatorial 2022 elections

I think the truthiness of it is that it is truly a trickle. Think of a huge-ass dam (the rich’s riches) and a drip faucet for the 99% to share.

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That. And it goes unmentioned that “down” is actually “up”.

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agreed. ave people see Dems trying to sell good job market and say ‘should I not believe my lying eyes, stocks down, gas up?’

how do we remind people that a recession without high unemployment is not a catastrophic event?

D strat of denying its a recession at all is making people mistrust them.

I think the vast majority of people think that the last round of stimulus that came right after the inauguration was unnecessary. It seemed to be a handout post election and then even when inflation was obviously heating up they tried to push through the Green New Deal light that had many policies that no one was a fan of. Then inflation really hit even without passing that legislation and people were thinking “What if they had passed that?” we would be in hyperinflation.

This is why Democrats cannot be trusted right now because we do have inflation and it seems they want to spend a lot of money which everyone rightly knows can cause inflation.

If Democrats want to win they could pledge no new government spending without tax offsets until inflation is under control. That’s an easy pledge to make for 2 years and would send a great message. Would probably swing this election back in their favor, but they don’t have enough time and they wouldn’t commit to that anyway which is why a lot of people don’t trust them on the economy.

The vast majority of people would fail econ 101, so there is no helping their opinion.

At the time they were mostly happy with the last round of stimulus, as they connected it to full employment.

Whether you, Nick, though it was necessary is a separate point.

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it is mostly accepted that the last round of relief was not really necessary and at least somewhat contributed to inflation.

similarly, most people think that the fed acted too late to raise rates, creating a shock situation. And most people likely believe Fed is part of the current admin. An unfortunate association.

and the ‘transitory’ remarks certainly did not age well.

and almost everyone knows that the ‘inflation reduction act’ was just a silly name for a green energy/Rx bill.

so current admin does not have a great track record on economic issues in the eyes of voters right now.

And yet we really acknowledge the fiscal impact of the 2019 tax rewrite. That was estimated to be $1.9 trillion when it was enacted. I got no updates. Effect was thru 2025, when a lot of the cuts for 90% of filers will expire.

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I disagree with this


Also this is untrue. If you think it is true you should name them.


I’ll take another shot and a beer, thx


So they can pass things like the inflation reduction act? The pandemic spending and possibly the early 21 bill had little to no offsets. The BIB and inflation reduction act were"paid for" . You can debate if the math adds up and that’s fine, but this isn’t republican type spending with zero offset.

But that’s a democrat’s image to solve.

Nick is just repeating the falsehoods that are right wing talking points.

As always, the Democrats have been fiscally responsible and operated much closer to a balanced budget than the proceeding Republican administration.

This is what always happens, the Republicans ruin the economy with their selfish handouts to big businesses and others that have purchased their services and then the Democrata come in and clean up the mess.

If the Republicans get control again, with their fiscal policies, we are fucked.


But they every single one get a vote. That is Democrats problem. Too many intellectuals talking down to people or talking about things in a way people cannot understand.

It’s circular logic. Republicans lie and people believe them, democrats try to explain the lie to them and Republicans tell them their intelligence is being insulted by the elites.

But its a messaging problem for the democrats.

Nick, you seem to be in a position where you could dispel these lies with at least a few people, but it seems you are content to let them perpetuate because it is not your problem to solve. I’ve got a friend who laughs at Biden dealing with issues today that are really trumps fault, he knows it but won’t tell a Trump supporter where their argument fails. I don’t understand this mindset.


This has been a common theme for dems over the last 6 years. I often see them getting frustrated and regressing to just calling people stupid.

want to make sure a conservative votes? call them stupid for being a conservative. Or call them deplorable, or facsists.

For sure. I don’t think it can be fixed though.

The voters are split by things like class, race, politic, religion, immigration, sexuality, and now education.

It pays to talk like your constituents, and to talk in a way that your opponents dislike.

There’s no way in hell that Democrats and Republicans will not offend each other.

I’d like a leader that is more unifying, but it’s just not a thing. Biden probably comes closest to the middle ground. He is still hated by Republicans everywhere.

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Poor Hillary bet on the decent people rejecting the indecent people. What an idiot.


you see you are still doing it right?

overgeneralizing nonsense.


With deplorable?

Or that demographics exist? And coalitions talk to themselves?

I’m not sure which post you’re replying to. But my point is that the way politicians talk is basically just Game-Theory. They’re maximizing their chance to win, given the available voting pool. And then the voters themselves pick the “best” one. And the current degree of hate between the two parties makes it NOT worthwhile to appeal to both.

Regarding “deplorable”. I believe that of all the categories we could split humankind by, “good” and “bad” is the only category that is objectively meaningful. Hillary was asking good Republicans to reject bad Republicans. They did not do that.