Truths No One Wants to Admit

Sometimes it’s fun to do stupid things.

I’m not sure if that’s a comment on what you just posted, or a response to the thread title :joy::joy::joy:

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Another loyalty oath to a cult.

That’s what karaoke is for.

If my school has one, I don’t know it…


That’s like the New Zealand national anthem. I must have heard it a hundred times, often just before they beat up on us in rugby (although they never play it before we beat up on them in cricket). Still probably wouldn’t recognize it.

I do know what the haka sounds like - it’s great.

Same, so I googled.

I don’t think there is “one”, but there are 6 school songs. WTF. I don’t believe I have heard any of them before.

My college has one, Carmen Ohio. I never participated in singing it while a student there, but now that I have graduated and am involved in the university as an alumni, it fills me with some emotion. It’s nice to feel a tie to a community, a shared experience, and a remembrance of a simpler, wide-eyed and innocent time for me.

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IMO the President pardoning a turkey is far dumber than an alma mater song. When I moved thousands of miles from my college it was fun to go to alumni events and watch the football team and reminisce about Green Beer Day or basketball & hockey games or having that first legal beer at Mac & Joe’s. If it doesn’t do anything for you, skip it. I guess I’m sentimental. :woman_shrugging:

But the turkey thing is totes stupid. Gee that one turkey was spared, uh… great??? According to Google AI roughly 46,000,000 of his buddies were not so lucky. Why that turkey? Was he better than the others?

As if the President was not going to partake in eating turkey that same exact day…

Interesting Whatabout, there.

I mean… I just don’t get why the one turkey is so special it merits a pardon.

It seems like it’s supposed to make us feel bad about eating the innocent turkey that finds its way onto our particular dining room table.

I don’t think that’s the point, but I can’t imagine what the point is, so I just end up thinking it’s dumb.

I’d like to see the tv show “Pardoned Turkeys - Where Are They Now?”. Do they get to live a natural life or are they just eaten next Thanksgiving?

Edit: This article explains it.

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I click on links so you don’t have to…via bing copilot:

The article from TODAY discusses the fate of turkeys that receive presidential pardons during Thanksgiving. These turkeys, after their moment of fame at the White House, are often sent to live out their days in places like Disney World and Disneyland. For example, the turkeys Marshmallow and Yam were the first to go to Disneyland in 2005. The article highlights how these turkeys are cared for, including being put on diets to maintain their health and participating in training sessions to keep them active and stimulated.


I think it’s silly we describe it as pardoning a turkey. What crime was the turkey convicted of???


Being delicious?


Meh, its just a worse tasting, huge chicken

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Not being delicious enough?


Well then this is another example of a pardon I disagree with!

Dammit, Dan!!! Go study.

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I don’t even need a holiday to chow down on a good turkey dinner!!! :yum:

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All I’m saying is there’s a reason it’s KFC and not KFT