Today I learned

Italian beef. It’s about as messy as the hot dog, but doesn’t leave stains.

It’s similar to a pepperoncini pepper that you put on sandwiches but a little different. Popular on Chicago style dogs.

Gonna say not on this, other than they’re both green and pickled and put on sandwiches (if you consider a hot dog a sandwich). Pepperoncini are very mild. Sport peppers typically have a moderate amount of heat. They look nothing alike.

Ok Sport peppers are smooth and hotter 10K - 23K. Pepperocini is wrinkly and less spicy 100-500 . They are both peppers that come in a jar and are put on sandwiches. So on the scale Pepperoncini is mild and sport pepper is medium. I guess sport peppers are similar to serrano on the heat scale, didn’t realize they were that hot.


Dude, did you even AO? :oyh:

chili dogs - fork and knife amirite?

Depends on the quantity of chili, imo, but usually yes for me.

It’s been a while since I’ve had sport peppers, I don’t recall them being that hot. Jalapenos are like 8k or so for reference. Am I remembering this wrong, are sport peppers that hot generally?

I didn’t think so either. So maybe the info I found is wrong or I have sport peppers confused with another pickled pepper.

I’ve had sport peppers on a Portillo dog: they did not strike me as hot. :man_shrugging:

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Going from this:

to this:

made me :ctm: and think TWSS.


I googled it and it returned the 10k-23k range you quoted. I remember them being roughly jalapeno hot. Sport peppers are small, so maybe that throws things off a bit, they are spicy by the ounce but you eat them in small quantities.

yes, very amusing stuff.
That was the metaphorical part, which still doesn’t really work, comically, with sport peppers.

Yes, outside the Tastee Freez


Sounds like you were talking hot dogs, but if sport pepper more accurate, no judgement.

No worries. Pepper is an exercise for baseball, a sport.

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Yeah, you see the “no pepper” signs at a lot of diamonds.

Apparently I never knew the correct definition of “bottom of the hour”. Thankfully it is not a phrase I ever use, so I don’t think I ever used it incorrectly.

It is a pretty common phrase on the local tv news. And seems pretty obvious for those of us who were raised before most clocks were digital.