Today I learned

Kids eat free at Applebee’s on holidays.

Including Halloween.

(Well, I really learned this Sunday, put just posting it today.)

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Well, thanks for making us have to wait another year to take advantage of Halloween.

BTW, did we move the upscale restaurant thread on here?

I think of that thread every time I hear “Fancy Like” by Walker Hayes


How much did you tip the waitress??? :popcorn:



Reminds me, I should check in w/ Sheba. It’s been a while since I chatted w/ him.

Just found out today that the Iran hostage situation went on for 14 1/2 months. I did not realize it was any where near that long…

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Reese’s makes a peanut butter cup with potato chips. Nice crunch.


sounds like fake news

I ate one today so it’s legit.

Today I learned that JFG is fake…

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I thought about posting a photo of the wrapper with a note. Then that made me think of the toilet seat guy who said he wears a super condom and wanted to hold his roommate’s belongings hostage. AO memories…

(Toilet seat guy posted a photo of his personal toilet seat with a note with his username.)

Man, I forgot about that one. Absolute classic.

Was it good?

I liked the crunchiness but it tasted the same as a regular PB cup.

Beer cans

So a lot of local/craft breweries have to use stickers or shrinkwrap for their labels bc they can’t order 150,000 cans w a label pre-painted on. Well, ideally you remove those before recycling. Too much of it would degrade the batch although not currently a big issue.

You shouldn’t crush those empty cans. Assuming you have single sort, the sorter uses shape to sort and the can you flattened goes to the wrong pile.

Related to both - many craft beers use a hard plastic recyclable 4- or 6-pack connector (the thing that holds all the cams in a pack). Well that thing is also hard to recycle bc it’s flat shape has it sorted in w papers or boxes and that ruins that batch. Ideally, you’d just bring them back to the store or Brewery (maybe they need a deposit on them).

The term “California Sober.”

Wife got me one yesterday. I can attest they exist. And I had the same experience as JFG. There is more crunch than just crunchy peanut butter in it. I think I would just prefer the crunchy peanut butter, though.


TIL about Morph in PowerPoint - why is nobody using this?!

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