Today I learned

I’m pretty sure it is the musical style. Jazz is that bad.

TIL: how airport runways are numbered

(17 mins, but a fun diversion)


So you’ll be prepared the next time you fly, amirite???

Blame Canada!

Yep. And I’ll be happy to regale my fellow travelers (suckers) with my new-found knowledge.

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Trust But Verify was not a Reagenism, but he quoting a Russian idiom


Doveryay, no proveryay



South America AND Brazil? Neat.


for those wondering, the Chinese tally character means “upright”


And apparently France and Spain are not part of Europe!

But that’s interesting. The South American one is kind of cool. I find the Asian one confusing, but I guess like anything you’d get used to it.

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why are the slashes the wrong direction for N. America?

It’s shown like this: \

When I’ve always written and seen it like this: /


Hmmm, pretty sure I’ve seen it both ways, and I’m pretty unsure if I have a “usual” way of doing it.

I’ve always seen it like \ from my teachers.

Maybe it’s regional

I’ll often switch back and forth without really thinking about it.

i go left to right. will sometime just go horizontal

Either one looks right to me. But pretty sure I go left to right, from bottom to top,

I go horizontal.

For the slanted 5’s tally, I wonder if there’s a correlation between one’s handedness (left- vs right-) and the direction one draws the slant mark.

The more I think about it the more I think I’d use \ if I wasn’t thinking about it.