Today I learned

I’ve detailed my story about leaning the origins of paprika before. Let’s just say that I was SHOCKED by my revelation.

Also last year I planted a paprika tree right next to my spaghetti tree.


If your car runs over your spaghetti tree you can get spaghetti squash.


via chat.openai:

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Did somebody sneeze?


I’m going to interrobang something

This is how Canada is populated.


TIL that running was invented in 1748 by Donald Running in the Netherlands. He was late to a friend’s wedding and tried to walk really fast and he wound up doing the thing we call “running.”

Who knew?

Not sure if serious.

The act of running predates the evolution of Homo sapiens. The word dates to the 14th or 15th century, according to a quick Google search.

Shakespeare writes about running so I knew the word was at least as old as Shakespeare. :woman_shrugging:

So what did Pheidippides do at Marathon?

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Not sure?


I hadn’t had my coffee yet. Assume there’s some red font implied.

If it had been in the Innumeracy thread, sure. But I thought this thread was for legit stuff.

He Pheidippidied all the way back to Athens, then died after giving the news.
That’s what “running” was called back then. True story!

That’s what can happen if you run a marathon without doing enough training.

That’s how I know that half-marathons are the right distance for me. After a half-marathon, I feel half dead.


I don’t run, I strut

TIL: Texas is so big that if you expanded it to the size of the solar system, the ants there would be the size of Rhode Island.

If you expanded Rhode Island to the size of the solar system the ants there would be as big as Texas.


You on a Snapple kick or somethin’?

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Since I’m buying a Tesla, I’m actually learning about the thing. I know, I probably should have done some more legwork BEFORE buying it, whatever.

TIL that the frame assembly for the Model Y used to consist of 70 parts, welded or bonded together, pretty much how every manufacturer builds them except Tesla wasn’t as streamlined so theirs were messy and complicated. But somewhat recently, Tesla switched to the ‘giga press’ to make cast aluminum frames, and now the Model Y’s frame assembly consists of two parts.

There is some debate about this. It’s efficient from a manufacturing perspective, for sure. Critics argue that it will make repairs harder if the car is crashed. Some manufacturers are resisting making a similar switch, some are going to follow suit.

It’s interesting technology though. The machine is the size of a small house and presses the metal with 6,000-9,000 tons of force.

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