Thread where actuaries diagnosis medical issues

That sounds like shingles.

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That’s what I had thought, too, but the rash clusters aren’t really localized and I’m not sure they look like the photos from the web (hairy leg pic of the blisters in one spot spoilers below). I wonder if there’s a Reddit for this.

virus or reaction to bug bites?

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Looks very similar to what I’m currently dealing with although my spread is a little more dispersed, like those bumps but everywhere, not as clustered. It started near my ass and is very clustered there, but has been to some degree spreading to my arms, thighs, and back.

The doctor diagnosed me with folliculitis and sent me home with Doxycycline pills and a Triamcinoline Acetonide cream. I think it’s maybe helping?

What has been good for me is warm baths with baking soda. It doesn’t seem to fix anything but I’m doing it before bed most days and it gives me a few hours of enough relief that I don’t wake up scratching myself. (until like 3 AM).

Also, cold damp washcloths are a good alternative to scratching. As good as it feels, scratching is bad. Even if I do it, often.

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I’m guessing virus. He is going to see his doctor on Friday, I tried to get him to go to urgent care, but he didn’t think it was important enough.

He had an appointment with my spine surgeon scheduled tomorrow morning to deal with the back pain, because it was pretty intense for many days, but with the fever and rash, and the pain gone, he is canceling that appointment for now.

I’m sure it’s not a big deal, but I don’t like not knowing and he doesn’t seem all that concerned about getting answers.

Looks like shingles to me, especially if it’s on one side. You want to get the antiviral asap if that’s what it is.

Eta: was the pain on one side?

Yes, pain was on one side. I’ll see if I can convince him to go to urgent care tomorrow, just in case.

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I don’t think I need any particular diagnosis right now, but I did a physical yesterday and reporting in my: borderline high cholesteral, inflammed cervix (probably ring related and no other symptoms that I noticed), and the sudden complete inability to give blood without breaking into a cold sweat and nearly passing out. I also think I have IT-band syndrome in my left leg. I’m getting

I feel ya. Cholesterol is high but my doctor is giving me 3 months to correct it by diet and exercise before putting me on a statin. And I have a weird swelling near my ankle (not the sprained one) that might just be fat or might be retained fluid. I will have to point that out when I go in next week.

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My brother had a weird lump that turned out to be a lipoma. It’s a tumor of fatty tissue. They are almost always benign (his was) and the treatment is to ignore them if they are small, or remove them if they are large

at least that one is easy - stretch a lot more than you have been.

My one leg is reportedly shorter than the other, which can cause this so I think I’m gonna check that out with an orthopedic guy and see if I need a shoe insert again (I forgot which leg it was for).

And if it’s REALLY large take it to Dr. Pimple Popper and film it for TLC.

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most have some discrepancy. if you previously required a lift, then you might still need one. but still - stretch a lot more. you will absolutely feel better (not necessarily healed, but better) after doing it for a few weeks.

I feel you. Hot yoga makes everything feel good.

Also yes the difference is enough to cause a measurable hip tilt which seems excessive.

I don’t know why, but I hope it’s not that.

Ewww! It doesn’t feel like pus tho. It looks like a giant mosquito bite except it’s not pink. I only noticed be I was trying to decide if my sprained ankle was still swollen so I compared it to my good one.

It’s about 5 cm across but doesn’t seem to stick out as much as the photos of lipomas that I see online.

Is it tender when you touch it? Does it turn white if you press down gently?

Not tender. All of my skin turns white if I press it down. It doesn’t stay pressed down, like edema.

It doesn’t look like any of the pics I’ve seen online (which always seem like worst case scenarios anyway), and it’s not close to a lymph node. (It’s at the bottom of my leg, near my foot.)

It doesn’t hurt at all. I wouldn’t have noticed it if not trying to see if my other foot was swollen.

I obv sit all the time in my job but since exercising more and watching my sodium it seems larger, not smaller.

I have a checkup next Monday so I’ll point it out.

Funny, I also have a tiny lump on my head just under my hairline that I’ve never freaked out about, so I don’t know why I’m freaking out about this one. The head lump is hard, like it’s part of my skull. I’ve had it for years and it’s never changed.

Well, anything that you’ve had for years, and hasn’t changed, and isn’t causing problems, is benign. Who cares whether it’s an unusual bump of bone, or a scar, or whatever. It’s harmless. Something you just noticed might represent a problem.

Any chance it’s a blood clot? Blood clots in legs are pretty common, and that sounds similar to my mom’s clot.