Thread where actuaries diagnosis medical issues

Thats really late but everyone is different. I think the average age to stop entirely is like 51.

Yeah. When i was 40 and my daughter was 10, i remember that i had “the talk” with her about menstruation shortly before my doctor delivered “the talk” about menopause. And one thing she mentioned was that average age of menstruation had changed, and life expectancy had changed, but average age of menopause had been very stable. And that there was a lot of variation.

I reached menopause late enough that my doctor forgot i was still having regular periods once, and got all alarmed when i reported a fairly minor menstrual problem because I WAS BLEEDING AT ALL! (I wrote back a slightly bitchy note about “every month” and he then treated me appropriately for the minor infection, however.)

I thought that the age at menopause is earlier on average if you started menstruating earlier because you run out of eggs and the average age for menstruating is getting younger, so i’d think the average age for menopause would too.

nevermind, i’m wrong. that’s strange since females are born with all the eggs they will have. that implies females are born with more eggs now than the past.

" Although the average age of the first period has been getting younger in U.S. women, there hasn’t been a corresponding shift in the average age at menopause. The average age the first period is now about 12.4 years old , down from 13.3 in women born prior to the 1920s, but the average age at menopause has been around 51.5 for decades."

I don’t think you actually run out of eggs, I think they age and die off.

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ah, yeah it says that females are born with 1 to 2 million eggs, so i’m just wrong.

i did think i heard that if you menstruate earlier you go into menopause earlier, but that wouldn’t make much sense if the average age of menopause hasn’t changed.

I do not want to hear that. I want to think that as I am on a personal record for no periods (not counting pregnancy, etc.) that this will continue for 8 more months and I’ll be done.

But supposedly late menopause is correlated with heart health and my heart is really good, so :woman_shrugging:

my mother had no signs of perimenopause before the chemo, so i wouldn’t be shocked if i finally stop on the later side. i don’t have her to go by though.

but then again, my periods are wacky now, so maybe it will stop by the average stop age.

it’s also an average. i’m seeing as early as 30’s in my fb group which totally skews that average. so it’s not surprising that women get to their late 50’s and still not there on the other side of the extreme.

i don’t mind having a monthly period at all. it’s the wacky ones that are freaking me out. if it could stay regular bring it on for the rest of my life.

I basically stopped bleeding when i got an IUD. I could still tell i was cycling, because i had heavy spotting monthly. But i didn’t really need menstrual supplies any more. That was awesome.

I was never really regular, though, so it was always a surprise, and typically inconvenient. Happy to be done with that.

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nor does mrs. f. (she’s 52)

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friend’s 23 yo is describing (in their words) an embarrassing development - sudden/surprise vomiting while drinking. 23yo has been a drinker for a few years, but only recently found themselves prone to unpredictable/sudden omg vomit during moderate drinking. (moderate for a 23 yo)

as it was described to me, it sounded like after a couple of drinks person was prone to random occurrence of a sudden very bad burp that also brought up vomit.

23yo has not tried tracking incidence relating to wine (types/origin), beer (types), or spirits (mixed or other).

causes could be (all newly emerging):
alcohol intolerance
some kind of gastritis

I don’t suppose the 23 year old has a doctor he can consult?

do they? of course.

but here they have something better - actuaries on line who can consult!


Celiac or gluten/wheat intolerance?

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lack of understanding of the definition of “moderate”

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My guess would be one of 3 things but then I’m not a Doctor nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn express.
1 - he’s drinking a lot more than moderate.
2 - ulcer
3 - alcohol intolerance, though that would probably come up with light drinking.

heavy vomit would be spending time over a hole with multiple heaves emptying yourself of much contents.

this is (apparently) like what the competitive eaters would call a “reversal” - would fit into a pint glass and no multiple heaves.

I asked friend if the 23yo then “rallied” - that is tbd.

I’m now negative for EBV. not sure what was up with that positive a little over a month ago, but i’m negative now. I also don’t have the tired disease currently. I drank a lot this weekend, so hopefully that doesn’t make it come back. Wondering if it’s possible that I have chronic EBV that comes and goes and if that’s possible.

my antibodies went up for 2 out of 3 of those, but not sure that’s meaningful.

I hope the tired disease stays away.

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I just talked to the allergist who ordered these tests. She said that one of my antibodies that was also super high could indicate that I had a recent infection because usually, but not always that antibody lowers if you had an infection decades ago. she said it’s controversial as to whether or not chronic mono is a thing. I’m going to get retested in 3 months to see where that antibody is and earlier if i start having symptoms again.

If it comes back again with symptoms, she suggested seeing an infectious disease doctor. hopefully i stay symptom free. i’m tired of this shit.

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