Thread where actuaries diagnosis medical issues

The reason I created this thread originally is exactly this. Bone tired for no reason, to the point of sleeping during the day. Doctor says I check out completely, so no idea. I do think it may be stress.but unconfirmed. Its not related to specific stress, more.likely just sustained stress.

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sounds like yours only lasts 3 days. I wish that was true for me. Mine lasts months.

weird aspect of it is if i put my head all the way down i get a temporary feeling a little better. also, it gets worse as the day progresses.

incredibly frustrating. i don’t know what to do and if selling my apartment would magically solve this. for now, i keep escaping my apartment. it doesn’t always solve it, but the only times it’s been triggered off is when i’m not in my apartment.

i got acupuncture at my spa vacation and that somehow gave me a lot of energy. not sure if it was going to go away anyway during the spa vacation, but i definitely got a boost of energy when i did the acupuncture in may. then it came back a few weeks later I think and then went away again when I escaped my apartment again.

oh, also I get temporary relief if I vape something. doesn’t matter what it is, CBD, pot, delta 8. I think the act of inhaling makes something in my brain stop pressing on my face. doesn’t really make sense. i figured this out when someone happened to have a CBD vape pen and I tried it while feeling awful.

So, then vape. Forget the diagnosis, just cure the symptoms.

And since this is a good time to quote rocky horror picture show, I’ll take away the cause. But not. The symptoms!

I kinda wish I could smoke mj occasionally. Unfortunately last time I tried it, it just made me sick. Le barf.

Eh, I guess I don’t care that much.

I only feel slightly improved when I vape something. Still not great though :frowning:

Can’t believe otolaryngologist didn’t make the list

Isn’t ENT and otolaryngologist synonyms? but yes, I should have used otolaryngologist due to obvious reasons.

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I was just talking to one of the doormen and he said that for the past few days, they have gotten a lot of complaints in the building about the supermarket on the ground floor doing construction in the middle of the night waking people up. i’m very perplexed by this as I have not been woken up by construction from the supermarket. how the hell? i’m on a low floor thus this doesn’t make any sense. i’m also really noise sensitive and upstairs neighbor wakes me up early every single morning. i don’t think i can blame my tired on the supermarket as i oddly did not hear it. i hope i don’t hear it tonight as sleep is absolutely critical right now with this tired disease.

Two random thoughts:

  1. Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your place? I can’t remember if that has been mentioned (apologies if it has).

  2. One time I went to the Bahamas for a week and I felt so great by the time I came home and I mentioned it to my massage therapist. She asked if I was swimming in the ocean a lot and I said yes, and she said that’s why I was feeling so good: the ocean is like one big giant Epsom salt bath that was detoxing my body.

I do get a lot of muscle stiffness and stuff and I can’t deny that I felt so much better after going to the ocean. I try to take Epsom salt baths at least once a week now. Maybe it’s helping??? I’m not always good about it… a shower is so much easier.

i have 2 carbon monoxide detectors. i suppose both could be faulty, but neither went off.

when i started feeling sick i bought a 2nd one.

i suppose an epsom salt bath can’t hurt. goint to my parents house for a week or so starting wednesday though and they do not have a bathtub. apparently ditching bathtubs for showers only are all the rage.

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hoping staying at my parent’s house will cure me. has in the past.

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I can speak a little to this as somebody recently on anxiety medication.

Your doctor blew you off. Find a new one. I went to one several times who’d ask me, “Are you holding up a job? Can you function day to day? Okay you’re fine.”

Called the practice and requested a transfer to a female doctor who actually listened. I see you already have a female doctor, but being categorically better doesn’t mean every female doctor is good. Request a transfer if it’s a big practice or find a new one.

The anxiety medication is working well for me although I’m not fully into the leveled-off phase of 6-8 weeks. It doesn’t fix everything, I still get stressed, anxious, etc. at appropriate times, but it’s much more “is there something I can do about this? No? Then proceed with your day.” versus affecting me daily.

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You need to move out of that apartment.

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It’s possible she sensed I had mixed feelings about it. I wasn’t even going to talk to her about the anxiety but she brought it up as a screening question, so I told her what was going on. Just a day or two later I realized I hadn’t told her enough, but I have not pursued this with her. That was 7 months ago.

At this point I need to hold off as I’m on some new meds and I want to see what happens with those before introducing another new one.


Good luck and keep us posted

Are your oxygen levels normal? My friend who had three stents done last summer was having similar fatigue issues that you are describing (along with chest pain for months). Basically, his brain wasn’t getting enough oxygen and that was causing fatigue and depression. It could be that you are experiencing some mild inflammation in your lungs from something in your building that you aren’t allergic too but agitates the lining of the lung. Maybe you need to see a pulmonologist and do the tube blowy thing as you might have some sort of reduced lung capacity. That might explain why putting your head between your legs helps as more blood flow to the brain. Not sure if CBD acts as a vasodilator or not though. If it is, that also explains the improvement.

I hate to tell people how to live their lives but from everything you say about your apartment, you really should move. The Midwest is nice this time of year :grinning:

I saw a cardiologist, but not a pulmonologist. I don’t have chest pain. I have awful reflux sometimes, but fairly certain it’s reflux, not chest pains. not having that right now though.

oh, and i think they checked my oxygen levels at the cardiologist and they were fine.

although, when i went to the cardiologist it wasn’t while i was having these symptoms. it takes a while to get appointments with these people and i tend to get them when i’m not having symptoms.

cardiologist found one thing on the ekg that minorly concerned her, so i wore a heart rate monitor for a week, but that showed i had no issues with my heart. she said my heart was oddly racing at some points, but that didn’t concern her. pretty sure that was because i was rushing around playing pokemon in the heat. there was an event!

i also had a stress test. they had a hard time getting my heart rate up. i had to run. i felt like i couldn’t breathe during it, but i think that was because i was forced to wear a mask as a covid precaution during it and not because of any real issues. i eventually asked them if i could take the damn mask off and they let me.

but the stress test was also not while i was having these issues. i’d think something would have come up though if it was my heart.