Thread to document "karens" who get fired from their jobs

I read the thread title but then there were 40 posts after that so no

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The way I did it, I did everyone a favor, cause like other people who want to skip the first 40 posts too will also get a short recap.

Why would they choose your post to read?

Hey, you sass that hoopy colonelsmoothie? There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.


okay that’s it

you can’t tell me what to do! cough

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A difference I see in the karen I posted was that she was an arrogant condescending bitch. So, she likely IS crazy on top of that, but the arrogance is what gets me. The video of the karen who smacked some guy in the face wasn’t arrogant. she was just crazy.

here’s a couple of “karens” who went over the top with their actions

I believe Karen’s can only be right wing. Find a new name.

My ex MIL is a Karen. She is mild-mannered so she will never be outed as one, but she fits the description through and through: racist, privileged, entitled, right-wing.


I wonder about Amy Cooper’s politics…

I thought a big part about being a “karen” is being outspoken, asking-to-see-the-manager type of behavior.,

It has nothing to do with being racist, right-wing, privileged or entitled.

It has everything to do with feeling privileged and entitled.

not just right winged, but racist actions count.

fighting against maga and you need a new name.

i am not entirely serious…


That happened on 9/11.

The woman was just still feeling nodtalgic for all that patriotic anti-brown people rage from 20 years ago.

I am saying that she is literally a Karen. That is her name.

And if one day she snapped and went on a racist tirade and asked to see someone’s manager and got filmed and outed over it, I would only be a little surprised, because that is exactly who she is. She is simply good at only ranting about her entitled racist beliefs in front of her family and friends.


Nothing and everything.

If no one other than those who know her, then not a cause

If picked up by the press or internet that goodguy co employees bitch and goodguy gets negative attention, lost endorsements and lost sales,. Bye bye bitch. We don’t tolerate that sort of behavior…

In a couple decades this won’t be a question. Assume that your public behavior at all times will get you canceled.