Thread for silly or stupid stuff you do

Someone to clean the gutters?

Thatā€™s one way of putting itā€¦ :wink:

fresh batteries?

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You can give her my number :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Neighbor or BGā€™s wife?

The neighbor! I may be loose, but Iā€™m not a homewrecker.

One of our neighbours was single for a time. Apparently she got this proposition frequently, and unironically. From married men.
Her response was sheā€™s doing fine with Bob. (Battery Operated Boyfriend).

I just ate pudding when couldā€™ve had pie. Going to rectify that now.

We had been at Disney World with my daughter and her husband and we were on our way back to the hotel. I was reading on my phone and I turned up the brightness on it because it was getting difficult to read. My sil asked me if I was going to keep my sunglasses on all night? I didnā€™t realize how dark it had gotten because I still had my sunglasses on well after dark.

It better be a mince meat pieā€¦How can you have any pudding if you donā€™t eat your meat?


OMG, I do this routinely. Why does home depot not have their lights on? Are they saving electricity? is there something going on? are they trying to keep the building cool? Oh yeah, Iā€™m wearing my prescription sunglasses again.

Weā€™ve found Corey Hartā€™s account! Never surrender, Mr Contact!

Iā€™ll hfbb.

Where you can find such a thing? I grew up with mince meat pies but the closest Iā€™ve been able to find around here is Jamaican Beef Patties.


I found one at Cub Foods (ahem, not Cup Foodsā€¦theyā€™re completely different things) in the Minneapolis area many years ago.

As I recall, it was disgusting, but I really wanted my pudding.

Thereā€™s a place near me that makes good hand pies. Iā€™ve never tried their mincemeat pie, but they apparently do make one seasonally around Xmas and they do offer shipping.

affirming the difference. nothing wrong with shopping at either, depending on need or location. the latter became famous for all the worst reasons.

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I choose to use a hand crank coffee grinder for my morning coffee everyday rather than buy an electric one.



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Today was garbage day. When I got home from work (in the dark) yesterday, I dragged the can to the curb like I usually do on garbage nights.

Before bed, I threw the kitchen garbage into the can.

Thing is, yesterday, I dragged the recycle can down the driveway.

I didnā€™t notice it until this morning. Fortunately, the garbage guys didnā€™t shop up yet and I was able to swap out receptacles and move the trash bag from the kitchen to its proper place.

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