The Last of Us

3 more episodes left of the season.

Next week seems to be entirely a flashback episode of backstory on Ella prior to her meeting Joel & Tess. So there will be some buildup of suspense on how lethal Joel’s wound actually is, and/or who could possibly be around to help them.

They have been following the story line of the game. It was an entertaining episode and the last 3 episodes should be amazing if they don’t spend too much time with flash backs.

Haven’t watched yet. Was catching up on soccer yesterday, as I was out of town all weekend.

We’re caught up now.

Husband clearly struggled with some Bill/Frank scenes since he siddled up close to me for the snugs. I cried when Joel tried to leave the kid (despite knowing that probably wouldn’t last long).

Confusing attraction to Pedro Pascal still holding.

Eh, it was ok. Not a lot really happened until the end, imo. Met some new characters, but no clear direction on if they play a later role. I’m assuming so, just cuz.

Something tells me the peaceful oasis that is Jackson is going to be not-so-peaceful real quick.

Maybe that sniffer dog has become really bad at its job so they end up letting a couple of infected in.

Well, it’s Graham Green and that gal from Northern Exposure, so i expect more for actors of that caliber.

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no one cares about this show anymore?

Go ahead and discuss. No one’s stopping you.

the show seems to have taken a Game of Thrones attitude toward special effects: sparingly.
Joel is like a video game character, just gets up and is all better after two penicillin shots in the wrong place.
Always one perv in cloak.

are they in the wrong place? I mean, usually it’s right in your butt, so I assume it can be given anywhere.

fatty tissue. But, she’s an ignorant girl not taught in medicine, didn’t know any better.

Yeah I was surprised at that too. I mean sure ambush the dude who comes down the stairs but he seemed far too fine after two doses of antibiotics. I had strep throat and didn’t feel back to myself for about 3 days with two doses per day, let alone a stab wound to the gut.

but it wasn’t necessarily confirmed that he had a serious infection, plus adrenaline is basically a zombie potion.

Probably tetanus, but this is real-world postulating for a TV show.

We don’t know how deep that bat went in, what organs it damaged, etc. We do know that the TV series wouldn’t kill him before a big finale or next season, if there is one. (Regardless of how he turns out in the video game.)

In fairness to early GoT, that’s what made it great. No plot protection for ANYONE

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I thought it was a good episode. Picked up on David being a creep early. Did not foresee the cannibalism. Some of the horror of the episode is in hindsight, like serving that girl’s dad to her to eat.

+1 to Bella’s acting.


yeah, the early naysayers about her poorly fitting the role have seem to be proven incorrect.


Got the American accent down.

But, she’ll lose the Emmy if she goes too American.