The Kids Thread

I had to actually pass the AP Test for college credit when I went to high school.

I went to HS a long time ago, and got college credit for calc 1 through my high school class in a similar set up with the local college without taking the AP exam.

minnesota has a lot of these CIS classes.

Also has a program where 10th grade and up students can enroll at 2 or 4 yr colleges and earn HS credit for their college classes. so i know many students who finished HS with an associates from the local 2 yr school. I know many who finished their bachelors in under 3 yrs after HS graduation bc of the credits earned this way. Most stay close to our town (so that’s the 2 yr option) but there are a few who more or less enroll at the U as 11th graders.

for families trying to save on what college costs…these programs are huge.

the AP process is…the least of these options IMO.


In my yesteryear, I did both AP and community college, and picked a couple credits from both. APs were much more serious.

I thought she was the bartender. Either job, she got more than just the tip.

I tested out of calc 1 and 2 through a math placement exam, but I’m not sure if I got college credit for them or just started at calc 3 and had to still get the same number of math gen ed credit hours through coursework. I think it was the latter, but it’s been a long time. I recall the placement exam being super easy though, and I had stressed out refreshing my calculus beforehand only to feel like it was a complete waste.

“Wow! A right angle in my pineapple!”

“Congrats on finding your first right angle.”

“Just to remember it, I’m going to swallow it whole.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea…”

“Then it will come out of my poop. A right poop.”


7yo: I am really tired today!

Me: me, too. I didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night.

7: same. It’s like we’re twins…or maybe cousins…it’s like…it’s like you’re my sister, only WAY way older.


7yo: I think I want to sleep on the top bunk tonight.

Husband: sure, buddy. Is everything ok?

7yo: I don’t want to talk about it.

Husband: are you feeling scared of being on the bottom bunk for some reason?

7yo: I just…oh, gosh. Oh no. This feels like heck to me!

(He felt embarrassed to tell us that his creepy ventriloquist doll was creeping him out and he didn’t want to be on the same level as it out of fear that the doll would attack him in the middle of the night)


We had a tornado watch today, during my son’s after school program. The sirens were going off, so the kids were sheltering. I went to the school to get him, figuring he was not feeling great about this. He was sobbing, had gotten all the kids around him crying, the teachers were trying to console them. He had asked his teachers if it was a drill, and they said no, it was the real thing, so he took that to mean there were tornadoes in the area, and was freaking out. And he was panicking about his Guinea pig at home. The kid has a lot of anxieties.


Was it a watch or a warning?
Do your local meteorologists get to take over broadcast TV when there is a serious storm? If your kid finds comfort in an evidence-based approach, it can be good to watch one (where you aren’t directly in the path) to see how to respond based on how close and dangerous the storm is. And maybe a little bit of “schools have to be super cautious, just in case” would help too.

It was a watch. Not sure about the broadcast thing, as we don’t have an antennae.

Our county has a good amount of both urban and rural areas (the watch was for the whole county), and we live in a highly urban area. It’s not impossible for us to get tornado - it’s happened once or twice, but the few that have touched down in our local area have been very weak, and I can’t recall any within five miles of us at all.

We did have a talk about how schools have to be extra careful when those kinds of things happen, and how his school was one of the safest buildings to be in, and how a tornado in our immediate area was VERY unlikely, how his teachers can be trusted to tell him what he needs to know in that situation, how it’s ok to call and text us on his watch during those events, etc. It seemed to calm him down a bit, this time.


My son had to come with us today to take my husband to urgent care. So at school pickup I asked him, “if it ok if we take dad to the doctor before we go home and play with your Guinea pig?”

“Uh…mom, I feel like that’s a historical question because the only right answer is yes.”

“You mean rhetorical question?”

“That’s what I said, historical question.”

We went a few rounds before I gave up.


My kid was wondering how my adjustable dumbbells work.

“If the numbers are set to 5 does it weigh 5 times 5?”

I told her to try setting it to 5 and see what happens.

She was excited to find she could lift it. And told me that the numbers must make it weigh more or less.

Okay… but how do they do that?

She then thought somehow the numbers themselves must weigh a lot?

And I said, no, those are just numbers… there must be some kind of machine. Things can’t just magically weigh more or less.

So she says maybe the machine works by having a collection of small objects hidden inside of it. Like maybe a baseball. And when you turn the number from 5 to 10, the machine “sets up” the baseball. And when you turn it back from 10 to 5, another machine let’s go of the baseball.

Okay, I like your idea… I think you’re close… Maybe set one side to 5 and the other to 10? Then lift it up and look at it.

Okay. I did. And I can’t figure it out. And there’s a problem with my idea. How does it let go of the object inside of it? Hmmm…

Okay… let’s think about it some other time.


The joke there is that it’s really fucking obvious that one side has a weight on it, and the other side does not. And any sane kid would see that. Instead my kid imagines how it works without seeing shit 3 inches in front of her face.

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Also, I hate it when people tell her how the world works (and everyone does this) when her discovery is infinitely more interesting.


Get her a set that goes to 11. :guitar:


One of my kids will be taking a gap year (expecting closer to 20 months) between undergrad and next round of education, with part time work, but not financially independent. Older than 21, but less than 25. From what I can tell, not eligible for coverage under my work benefits. No health issues. Should the kid look into ACA coverage, or does individual high deductible market still exist?

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in the US? sign them up for your work benefits. Password is : ThanksObama!

til they turn now 24 yo is on the plan. yay us!


I was confused. I thought that might have been the case, but for some reason i got the impression they needed to be a full time student above 21 but below 25. Maybe that was on the neighborhood pool membership as a legacy of pre obamacare health rules :rofl: thanks tf, and thanks obama!

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