The Daylight Savings Thread

I’m sure they read the commerce clause broadly enough to extend to the regulation of time.

I saw something similar on FB. Something about a Native American laughing at the “white man” about daylight saving time, saying something about only they could think that cutting a foot off the top of the blanket and sewing it onto the bottom of the blanket could make the blanket longer.


Clocks don’t even tick the same across state lines (technically, I think) so they can take their interstate commerce and shove it!

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Time is money. Money must be taxed to pay debts and cover the general welfare. Ergo, the Federal government must control time. So DST must be a tax on time and the end of DST is like a tax return!

refund…not return.

Congress has the power to set standards.

Before we had time zones, every city and town had its own standard time.

Before we had standardized rules on DST, different states…even different cities/counties had different rules on whether to observe DST and when.

I hate the twice-a-year change, but without the standards-setting, the mess could be much worse.

When my kids were little we took them to the playground after supper, even when it was dark out. It worked very well.

We had a nanny, so they had a long nap in the afternoon, and we kept them up fairly late so we had time with them.

Me, too. I like it enough to be worth the change for me. In particular, I HATE having to wake up before dawn, but I also like as much sunlight in the evening as I can get. I’d be okay changing the clocks 4 times a year to keep my wake-time as close to dawn as possible.

(and no, just like you can’t avoid daylight savings time, I can’t just do that on my own. I want to hang out with friend in the evening, who are all on schedules determined by various externalities based on the clock.)

Well, I AM old, but the clock I just bought is likely to need to be adjusted by hand. In theory, it picks up satellite time, but after waiting a long time for it to get a signal and set itself, I gave up and set it manually.

Also, I like my microwave, and see no reason for my microwave to me on-line. I see no reason for it to have a clock, either, but the manufacturer disagrees, and since it has a clock, I’d like it to be somewhat accurate.

like China? That might actually work very well. It would certainly make it easier to hold meetings with people across the country without as much time-zone confusion. And it would make it “normal” to be on a variety of hours, so it might lead to more flexibility for a lot of workers. Not schools, or retail, but a lot of office workers.

Alas, we have a clock that changes for DST… the dates prior to 2007. So, it has to be corrected four times a year instead of being correct all year round.
This weekend, it will not change when it’s supposed to.
On the first Sunday in April, it will change when it’s no longer supposed to.
On the last Sunday in October it will change when it’s no longer supposed to.
On the first Sunday in November, it will not change when it’s supposed to.

And, since it’s on my wife’s side of the bed, I get to hear about it four times a year. Like, well, clockwork. No, we can’t turn off the changing of DST, even though we’ve tried.

So when are you going to office space that clock a la printer?

But we’d have freedom! :judge:

As soon as I get an error message: “PC Load Letter???”

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What does the O stand for? OMG it’s early!

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I live in the western part of the time zone so not looking forward to 8am sunrise. But guess I’d rather have that than live further east where it gets late early.

Wait till you move from Boise to Las Vegas. BTW, that is an eastern move while moving from Mountain Time to Pacific Time. Did it in the winter so it went from getting dark at 5:15pm to getting dark at 4:30pm. Yeah it sucked.

At least sunrise is earlier. If I have to commute in the dark, would rather do so in the evening than the morning.

I guess I’m spoiled. I have to change my thermostat clock, stove clock, and car clock twice a year. If I had a clock I had to change 4 times a year I would trash it and buy a new one.

Either my microwave doesn’t have a clock or there’s a way to turn it off bc I don’t have that one.

  1. Enact year round DST.

  2. Give the states on the time zone borders the chance to change if they want to (basically amount to them staying on ST year round). For example, use Michigan. Under permanent DST in the Eastern zone, they wouldn’t have the sun come up until 8:30am in December. So they can elect to move to the Central time zone so the sun comes up at 7:30 in December.

  3. ???

  4. Profit

Yeah, but it still works fine … the other 362 days of the year.

More like, cheap actuary. :slight_smile:

That too. But it’s my wife’s, and she’s no actuary, and I’m not replacing it with some unauthorized machine.