The covid virgins club

If we are posting about friends losing their card …a close friend just posted a positive home covid test with the caption “fuck me”. He’s old enough and fat enough that I’m a little worried for him. Also, we were supposed to get together next weekend, and that’s really unlikely to happen, now.

And two other friends were super careful, but decided to let down their guard and babysit a grandchild for a weekend. She’d gotten the fall booster, but only 2 days previously, which doesn’t do much good, and his shot had been scheduled for the following week. He’s obviously delaying that booster, now.


Ive been feeling better for several days, but unfortunately am still testing positive


I may have rebounded from paxlovid. Solid positive line still. Throat acting up slightly again, but not as bad as before.


friend is on paxlovid. He says he feels 99% fine. But I wonder if he might also have a rebound.

Still no covid for me! Got a booster shot again last week, my fourth or fifth? the new fancy one that’s supposed to contain the latest/greates. Pfizer I think.
It’s everywhere, a lot of my friends/family have had it in the last month.
I’m surprised I don’t have it yet given how much time I spend with groups of students. If it’s a longer trip I generally ask that everyone test the night before, but if we’re only in the car for an hour or so or it’s just a day trip I normally don’t bother. Doing it again this Sunday, here’s hoping everyone coming along is clean.

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flying on saturday and going directly to my parents house rather than home. hopefully i don’t catch covid on the flight particularly since, despite my opinion, i was overruled and we did not get my father a booster since almost a year ago.

i will wear an N95 and thus far I haven’t caught covid on a flight and I’ve flown a lot.


Ugh, she tested positive today. This leaves my parents as the only Covid virgins in my family. And I still don’t know how given that my dad is an uber driver.

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My throat was feeling a little scratchy, so I pulled out a covid test, which had just expired anyway. Negative. My kid has been tested pretty regularly for years, but this was my first test. I didn’t really expect anything tbh.


PSA: A lot of COVID tests have extended expiration dates, so what’s printed on the box might not be correct. We wrote updated expiration dates on the boxes.

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Just like the quik-e-mart!

my mother just got back from a florida vacation and has a rough throat. i’m at my parents house. this is going to be the lamest fucking way for me to finally lose my covid virginity. I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOSE IT DOING SOMETHING COOL. I AM PISSED!

she hasn’t tested yet


I spent the day at an elementary school yesterday where 11/23 were absent at the start of the day, the remaining 12 were sniffly and coughing, and during the day 2 kids left to go home sick.

I washed my hands and kept my distance, so maybe I will pull through.


yikes. good luck. god speed.

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be sure to test both your nose and your throat.

when I got covid I tested my nose three times and all were negative. Then my bf suggested testing throat and I was positive twice. (yes I have a lot of tests at home)

throat? i didn’t realize you could do that. the tests all say nose.

also, those tests aren’t that reliable. my sister was negative on both an antigen and rapid test, but positive on a pcr.

well it certainly was reliable for me.

My nose was perfectly fine for the first week or so, I only had throat problems, so it was consistent with my test results.

I was sick for three weeks. When my nose finally started to drip, I tested nose again and it was solid positive.

Basically, had I only tested nose from the start, I would’ve walked around thinking I was covid free for two weeks.

that’s not reliable if it didn’t result in a positive from a nose sample. the instructions don’t say to test your throat.

I think the strain we got didn’t affect nose as much. Both the bf and I had excessive dry coughing. As did the two other family members I gave covid to.

Nose, not so much.

I’ve heard to swab the throat and nose of having throat symptoms

she is refusing to test until tomorrow. i’ll just assume i’m a walking covid right now. thanks mommy fan!