The covid virgins club


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Still a member. Had some friends over on Saturday who are very out and about but no issues it seems. Will likely be out and about myself next week once or twice, will check back in then.

Same here. We’ve been staying home a lot more while Omicron does its thing, but I think on Saturday we are going to cut loose and hit the arcade, maybe a movie. Definitely need a haircut, ugh.

I polled my sunday school this morning and noted 10 out of 16 people (62.5%) have been exposed to COVID, and a couple just recovered from it for the second time. The wife said she didn’t even realize she had COVID until her husband was confirmed positive and then she got tested, so they weren’t suffering too badly the second time around.

That sounds similar to my second round of COVID – I barely noticed the symptoms, and wouldn’t have even thought to test but-for my wife’s case.

I’m still a member of the club.

Are there any “COVID incels” in this club, or is everyone a member by choice and preference?

We’re still 0 for 4 in my household so far. But my band was playing at a bar last night that was pretty packed - certainly the most dense place I’ve been in in the past couple years. I was one of two people wearing a mask and, as far as I could see, the only trying to maintain any distance from anyone.

as in, somebody -trying- to catch COVID, but just can’t get it?

That actually would be interesting, unlike the sex version.

Just lost my covirginity last night.

100-101F fever, chillls and mild aches early on, mild headache.
Really not too bad, getting a 1/2 day of work done in fact.

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Heh make that 11/16 = 68.8% now

Hope you feel better soon.

Sorry to hear that. Take care and rest up. Post-Covid pneumonia was, in my case, worse than Covid itself.

Hope you feel better soon.

I might be kicked out of the club soon. Had coffee with a coworker yesterday, today he texts me that he is positive.

We were masked most of the time, but we were drinking our coffee for a bit. We sat pretty far apart from each other while drinking the coffee/unmasked, so I’m not entirely convinced I’ll get it, but there are decent odds.

The unfortunate part is having to isolate until I can test. I scheduled a PCR test for Saturday. Will probably rapid test before then (finally got a stock of them! yay!) even though I know it probably won’t show anything.

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I hear that coffee repels the COVID

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That’s just part of a covid infection, not a separate thing. That’s the part that typically kills people. The initial presentation is almost always mild, cold-like symptoms. My mom had “a cold” for 3 days, mostly recovered, and then died of covid two weeks later. I don’t think doctors understand why a covid infection leads to inflammation around the body, lung damage, blood clots, etc. But that’s how the disease works.

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Well that’s the term the doctor used. :woman_shrugging:

I developed Covid symptoms on January 6, felt well enough to return to work on January 17 (no cold medicine, not coughing, not phlegmy), then developed pneumonia symptoms on January 29.

Doc said I had “post-Covid pneumonia”.

That is a long time between the primary infection and the pneumonia.

Is that the PCP who said your aren’t infectious but they won’t see you? Or is that the urgent care doc?

I guess that means it’s long covid?

Yikes, good luck. I hope you get better soon.

The urgent care doc.

PCP doc didn’t say I wasn’t infectious. Just that she wouldn’t see me.

Urgent care doc said I wasn’t contagious and used the term “post-Covid pneumonia”.

Pneumonia WITH COVID?