Well damn. I had so much material (pun intended).
Also nice humble brag about having a cleaning lady
That was sort of my 40th birthday to myself. Getting a cleaning lady… forever.
But we had to clean up after ourselves for several months during the pandemic.
It was OK, but she definitely does a better job than we do.
I’m not sure I have the patience/will power/work ethic!? to wait until 40, so now I applaud you.
I had one of those…bought it from Ace Hardware. Mine was yellow. It’s supposedly only supposed to be used once, but, being the cheap actuary that I am, I removed all of the goop and used it multiple times.
Why only once? I’ve had mine for years. Never knew it was intended for single use.
Actually this particular bathtub is the only case where I’ve really used it successfully, but it’s not like using it damages it. I guess the teeth could break off and eventually maybe it will get brittle, but so far mine’s still in working order.
Why can’t you clean the tub yourself?
This. We’ve had ours for three years right now. With two teenage daughters with long hair, it’s been a godsend.
Although one time, I thought I was gonna have to take apart the bathroom sink b/c one of the teeth kept getting caught somewhere.
And be careful! Those things are sharp!
Today’s brag: 10 minutes early to work today.
I’m just relaying what the instructions said.
No way was I going to let a little goop on a stick prevent me from reusing it. Mind you, it took a bit of work to get all of the hair off of it because the little pokey thingys really held onto it but it wasn’t impossible.
Because the cleaning lady will clean it tomorrow whether I clean it or not, so at this point there are better ways to spend my time.
Like going through the stack of papers in the kitchen or folding laundry.
Brag on Oddie time:
-Monday night, Oddie randomly made butter chicken for dinner. With basmati rice and everything. I LOVE butter chicken (he didn’t know that). He was made for me.
-For the past 3 weeks we’ve been overrun by kittens (seven cats total). This has turned out to be a lot more work than I had expected (I don’t know what I expected, I just expected KITTENS). Oddie was the one who picked them up from the SPCA when I wasn’t available (30 minutes away). Oddie also called for advice and drove to pick up de-wormer with me when a tapeworm fell out of Mama’s butt. Oddie plans to take all 5 fosters back to the SPCA tomorrow for their vaccinations (and I was supposed to be the one volunteering ). He hasn’t complained once, and his gentle toweling off of the kitten who fell into the tub yesterday warmed my heart.
-Oddie is always the one to go and get my prescriptions for me, despite the fact that I could have had them delivered by pushing some buttons and things. I usually just don’t do anything until uh oh I’m out of one or more medications and he has to go RIGHT NOW else I will miss a day and probably go crazy. He doesn’t judge me for this because he thinks he is just as bad with the procrastination as I am (he’s not).
-Oddie makes me laugh, and he laughs at me when I’m silly. I am so proud watching him come out of his shell again and feeling comfortable just being himself (particularly when he’s around his family). You wouldn’t believe the anxious mess he became during/after the divorce - I hardly believe it looking back at it now. But he survived one of his worst nightmares, and I see him now forgiving himself and taking pride in the choices he’s making for the sake of his own happiness. I love this man.
All of this brought to you by the warm morning-after feelings of another very, very good night.
But did he also make naan? That’s the true gift of love.
I cannot BELIEVE you called that out.
…I was also disappointed at the lack of naan. I assured him the lack of naan was cool but I mean, you need the naan amirite?
I have an actual video of the kitten falling into the tub btw, sometimes you just know.
When you guys eventually break up, it’s gonna be so funny.
I mean, they’re married, with kids in the mix, so I would call it more “tragic” and less “funny.” Plus they’ve been together almost three years at this point, I think they’ll be alright.
Naan is surprisingly easy to make. I made a big butter chicken dinner a couple months ago, and the naan took maybe 30 minutes (it does need to rise for an hour, but if you’re making butter chicken in a slow cooker, there’s time) and was JUST as good as anything I’d gotten from a store, and almost as good as a restaurant, for a small fraction of the cost (cuz, we get about 5 orders of naan).
Wait, are we fighting? I didn’t know we were actually fighting.