Just to brag about the new AO, we (if I can be so bold as to use that word) killed it with that “rando non actuary wanders in looking for actuarial info” thread
Anything worth looking at?
Basically non-actuary looking for expertise on modeling life contingencies referred here. Few people with work experience chime in with a wealth of resources and explanation.
I wonder if they expected the new ao to be that much of a wasteland. I quit looking at it because it’s too depressing.
Oh sorry I mean GoActuary as the new ao, not whatever zombie ao exists in the void that the old ao used to occupy
I misread your OP. I thought someone on the monochromatic new ao (not the zombie AO which is dead again) trashed it and sent a poster here for actual help.
Back in college, I learned and performed BWV 572.
…not as well as this guy, I’m sure, but still impressive for a non-music-major.
I looked at the piece again about 10 years ago, tried playing through it, and it was a complete mess. It left me (1) disappointed that I’m not at that level anymore and (2) rather impressed that I was once at that level.
My fingers are hyperextensible. When I was younger I could touch my pinky and ring finger back to the top of my wrist. Can’t do that anymore, maybe if I started trying for a while but it’ll probably give me arthritis or something.
I used to be able to touch my thumb to my wrist. not anymore. not even close. also used to be able to touch my elbows behind my back. can’t do that anymore either.
Ow. Never tried the elbow thing but I can, just barely. Think I just minorly strained something.
WHY did I also try this.
Everybody be warned, @ao_fan is out to hurt you!
I feel like I could fill a whole thread just with things Oddie does that make me swoon.
Today it was just one of the little things - when he came upstairs after playing Smash with the littles, he brought a clean towel with him because he knew I had retired to the bath earlier. He never leaves me without something I might need. He doesn’t come up to ask first, and doesn’t need to be asked, he just does things in case I need them. I love him for how thoughtful he is. And how kind. And he’s very, very handsome. I just love him.
Here is an earlier stupid story about Odd-D that I posted on Facebook once:
This is a dumb story, but, whatever. I do what I want.
My husband bought himself a case of beer, and got me some fruity seltzers. I noticed tonight that there weren’t any seltzers left, so I was like - screw it - I’m having a beer.
There was 1 beer left in the box.
Me: “You need more beers .”
D: “I put yours in the door.”
Me: “Wut?”
D: “In the door of the fridge, your beer.”
Me: “Wut?”
Look in the fridge. D has been singling out the flavor I liked best out of his case and saving it in the door for me.
…is that not the sweetest thing? I mean… I didn’t ask him to do that. He just… does things, because he likes me. And I like him. A lot. I just don’t have the words to explain to outsiders why I like him sooo much.
So here’s my attempt at a stupid story of an insignificant event, that really does have a lot of significance - to me, anyway.
Happy Friday y’all.
Bathtub was draining really slowly so I removed the drain cover and shoved a specially-designed-for-this-purpose gizmo* down the drain and fished out increasingly gross bits of hair and greasy gloppity glup until I hit the mother lode.
Tub drains really fast now and I kinda want to take a bath. But it’s still got bits of greasy gloppity glup in it and the cleaning lady comes Wednesday, so I guess I will stick to showers until Wednesday.
*Not a snake. I have one and use it for the shower drain, but this other gizmo works better on the tub for whatever reason. It’s a flexible plastic thing with teeth maybe about 20 inches long, which is insufficient for the shower, but works great on the tub.
I have one of those plastic things for the drains, works pretty well for most things.
That drain crap has got to be the most disgusting substance that exists in my house.
No doubt. And the bathtub is oodles worse than the shower. Which I’m pretty sure must be the Avon Skin So Soft that I use in the tub but not in the shower. There’s not much other difference between the shower products and tub products. But the bathtub gloppity glup is considerably grosser and greasier than the shower gloppity glup so I think that’s gotta be the culprit.
Also, since this is a bragging thread, I gotta say that I’m feeling a little badass right now. My husband would happily call a plumber over this, but I figure it’s less hassle to just take care of it.
Are y’all bragging about how hairy your drains are? Cause I got thin hair and a thyroid problem so…
Nah, I’m bragging that I didn’t need to call a plumber.