The Attempted Coup of the United States of America

if you incite the lemmings on the front, those in the back will follow. so pretty lame excuse

plus all the claims of fraud leading up to the event

plus all the evidence that this was planned and not just spur of the moment. all he had to do was give it the go.

organic food nut job probably truly believed they would be pardoned

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Yep. The R strategy is to pretend that the only thing Trump did was to speak at the rally, and then he did use 15 seconds of his hour long rant to say “peaceful”.

I recall seeing cell phone video from the back of the crowd (can’t find it today, maybe it’s been taken down?). I could hear Trump on the video. The scarier stuff was the general tenor of the crowd. They were there for some sort of big stuff, just weren’t organized yet on what it would be.

Well, some of them were. The rest were just a mob.

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:rofl: I too enjoy a good “blame the IT department” excuse

Yeah, I watched that too. Lots of echo, but they understood enough to chant “Storm the Capitol!” in the right spots.

I’m talking about the people I saw on the video who were toward the back of the crowd listening to Trump. I understand there were others who were organized.


Let’s be frank though. An impeachment is a political process. There are no real legal ramifications outside of disqualification for running for office again. In that case there are 2 possibilities here for Trump’s blame in this event.

  1. He knew exactly what he was doing and was hoping something like that would happen in which case he should never be allowed to run for national office again.

  2. He is too stupid to know what he was doing would cause what happened in which case he should never be allowed to run for national office again.

I have read the transcript of the speech he gave that day. There is absolutely no refuting he whipped that crowd into a frenzy before they stormed the Capitol so the 2 options above are the only possibility for his intentions regarding the event IMO.


But crucially option 3 is our supporters kind of wanted the storming of the capitol to happen, and if they didn’t they probably struggle to remember what happened a week ago anyway I mean what did I even eat for breakfast today. Wait we’re trying to remove a guy from office who already left that’s unconstitutional!

Yeah, it’s a dumb question.

If the tables were turned, and AOC was giving a rousing speech centered around a big lie to the Anti-fa/BLM just before they stormed the capitol, nobody would suggest she’s really not responsible.

But she’s a communist, it’s different right?

Left = Thugs. Right = Patriots.

Fulton County GA is apparently opening a criminal investigation on Trump regarding his attempt to pressure the GA SoS to find enough votes to overturn the election.

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Glad to hear it. It’s amazing how many things Trump has done that are like well of course if a regular person did it they’d go to prison but it’s Trump

This is also an impeachable offense.
I’m surprised that Democrats didn’t have a whole grocery list of impeachable offenses from the past four years, and bring them all up, to be voted on one at a time.
There is probably a web site with them all…

From A to Z, some of these are just “He’s a shitty person,” but some could easily be impeachable:

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I’m glad it’s Georgia that’s going to try him for a criminal offense. If it was Massachusetts or California it wouldn’t be the same at all.

I think the political logic is it’s harder for Rs to defend voting to acquit when it’s just related to the insurrection. If there were 10 charges then they’d deflect every question with “yeah but they just hate Trump, look at this charge it’s so flimsy”.

Justice Department says an Oathkeeper was waiting for instruction from Trump before committing to an attack on the Capitol. Said oathkeeper believed that she had received said instruction.

Once again no coverage of Watkins statement on fox news.

Bartender faces of the parties, Jessica Watkins vs. AOC.

I do not use Facebook so I am not familiar with Facebook messenger the platform Watkins and the other Oath Keeper seditionists used to communicate during their attempt to murder members of congress and others. Is their a way to trace those messages? They had some vile comments and some very specific real time information during the failed coup.

Sounds like there’s going to be one of those Congressional commissions to investigate the insurrection. Fine. But do those blue ribbon congressional investigations/committees ever truly accomplish anything? Seems mostly a way for more political posturing.

I’d rather focus all resources on criminal prosecution of those responsible. I know that’s still actively happening, but keep after it!