The Attempted Coup of the United States of America

If there are specific examples of election fraud that would be addressed by your proposals, present them and we’ll listen.

Making voting more onerous (especially for those who vote D) in order to avoid a tantrum gives validity to the strategy of throwing a tantrum.

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  1. If you’re going to do this, then every citizen should be allowed to get one free without restriction. What, we have lots of requirements in place to get one of those - some of which clearly stack the deck against the poor and minorities and even naturalized citizens? Not to mention, there’s no proof that imposing voter ID requirements would meaningfully prevent voter fraud, which is already exceptionally rare regardless of what Newsmax and OANN might spittle.

  2. U.S. citizens already are the only ones allowed to vote in federal elections. This changes nothing.

  3. This is already done. Where I suspect this is going is “we want to always be able to match up a person’s signature with the ballot they cast” which completely violates the inherent right to privacy of voting.

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Fuck right of privacy it doesn’t exist except for the very rich and the government.

  1. Everyone is required to have a voting card free of charge.
  2. Everyone has easy access to vote.

Who in the military do you think will side with Trump in the coup?

This is a major way Republicans have used to suppress turnout. Sounds reasonable but makes it harder for non Republicans to vote, especially when the process of getting the ID is made challenging.

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General Flynn will say he’s still in command and military LARPers will flock to join him in the 1st Patriotic Freedom TV Dinner Corps. They will begin the coup by seizing control of the frozen foods section of all the local supermarkets and commandeering all the chicken nuggets, Banquet meals, pot pies and frozen burritos and then demand that everyone give them unfettered access to their microwaves and basements in order to fortify themselves for the upcoming Battle of Prairie Farms.

I don’t buy this. This is the same argument that says if you fact check DJT then people will get sick of his lying. There will ALWAYS be a thread to pull. He’d just claim the people checking the IDs are in on it. You don’t deal with a bully by responding to his every attack.

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DJT retweeted this today. 20201215_101003

I think the ability to track your vote with a pin would be the biggest security improvement over the current system. A lot of states have that for mail-voting now but it should be ubiquitous and standard. That would eliminate all fears that your vote is miscounted or misplaced.

Unfortunately, verification only goes one way in an anonymous election. There’s no perfect way to stop extra votes from being added at some point.

The idea that the problem can be solved with pictures seems like a big joke.

How many Trump sycophants does he have to throw under the bus before people figure out what they’re in for when they get on the Trump bus?

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They believe they’ll always be in the bus, rather than under it. I don’t think they get convinced otherwise until they’re under the bus.

Always amazing though… the dude who values loyalty above all else is incredibly disloyal. Really amazing how people still give him such loyalty. Like I get the politicians because they’re tied through the voters, but why are the voters so loyal?

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I want to say that it is some combination of abortion, homophobia, racism and “Communists!!!” - but that would apply to pretty much any generic Republican, and we didn’t see this with Romney or McCain. I guess the racism is bumped up a notch by Trump, so maybe it’s just the mix.

I’m thinking that the biggest thing, though, is that Trump makes the liberals mad. His voters just can’t get enough of that.

This is pretty much all they have left. Republicans gave up on actual governance years ago. They don’t really even have any policies that define them other than tax cuts for the wealthy.

True. They didn’t even bother to put together a platform this time around. They just went with “do the opposite of whatever the Dems do”.

I think it was even worse - something like “whatever donald trump wants”


IIRC - both ideas were in there.

2020 Republican Platform: Follow Trump and make the Dems cry.

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Imagine thinking that small scale fraud or irregularities has anything to do with the anti democracy bent the right has embraced.

There is no bar of security or “legitimacy” that could have been passed to where we wouldn’t be exactly where we are right now.

Donald Trump is the problem. More specifically, the 40ish percent of the electorate who is dumb or anti truth enough to support him is the problem. Hillary lowballed the number of deplorables.


Reminds me a bit of how the NBA has been going to increasingly greater lengths to ensure the refs are infinitely fair, while fans are increasingly convinced they are being cheated all the time.

The perception of fairness has basically nothing to do with fairness.

(Note potentially nsfw???)

Sadly my work PC says that article is too exciting for work hours so I’ll have to save it for a little later, but I really like Michael Lewis so look forward to it…

Ooooops. Sorry there are swears in the audio?