T-roy tries Bumbl and Match

Um, Colorblind, or is it an away white jersey?
Or, is she confusing Giants with Jets?

It was a yellow l/s tee shirt. She’s since unmatched with me.

Yellow? And she thinks it the Giants because of the “G”??? NY Giants have never (?) had a “G” for a logo.
Yeah, should have unmatched with her first.

Your choice of shirt tells prospects that 17 out of 18 Sundays (or some Thu’s/Mon’s) in the Fall are planned, and she seems to want to be outdoors on weekends.
So, do you want your pic to suggest that you plan to sit around all Sunday (probably Saturday, too) watching football with your buddies? I mean, if that IS what you do, then expect some snide shitty remarks from the alleged “outdoorsy” types who will unmatch you.
Now, you might happen across a female, unattached NFL Football fan in Nashville, but you’ll have to cast a wider net. Shogun sales approach might work best.

No, I am no expert on this subject, but I’m probably about on par with you.

Did you ever respond? I’ve never done the Tinder-style stuff but it seems like @PatrickBauer was partially saying… if you’re really not an outdoors person than she wouldn’t have worked out anyway. If you’re somewhat outdoorsy I’d start with something similar to, "I can tell by your interests that you’re into self-improvement, which I like in a woman. I’m similar in ways. I’m usually more into reading books and running, but it’s been a while since I’ve done a proper hike and that would be fun, or if you have a spare mountain bike we could try to not break my neck!

But maybe to start it would be best to do something more public, maybe a walk in the park and some coffee or a beer? Is there anywhere local you’d recommend that we could walk and talk?"

This (1) answers their questions, (2) gives them a little more info about you, and (3) puts the ball actively in their court to (3A) prove they’re actually a nature person and not just putting on a show, and (3B) respond to you.

Rebecca sounded boring anyway. NEXT!

This doesn’t have much to do with this thread, but it was in today’s wsj:

another link


last weekend another of the dad’s on my kid’s softball team made it clear he thinks we are buddies. (He rubs everyone else wrong w his weird intensity.) was sharing about his experiences with dating now vs pre pandemic. said he used to struggle before w the apps, but now “…has to show up and fog a mirror…” and they are digging him. I suppose the lesson is that single women in pandemic mode got really lonely and accepting of less than stellar people.

How it relates to T-Roy is…he is a cool dude who should not have trouble finding someone interested in him based on my knowledge of him. Just have to clear whatever this goofy online flirt-dance is.


I picked pictures that put me around people. Geezus, I’m judged poorly on having a football sunday with guy friends? Really? I’ll take the feedback though. I appreciate any help.

And thanks TF, that is nice to hear.

Based upon little evidence, people make decisions based upon bias and interpretation. I’d keep the Packers shirt picture. That way you don’t end up with a Bears or Vikings fan.


So far, it’s all kicks and thumbs.

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Just trying to put words in her head, based on what she actually said. I am disinterested in dating you, for other reasons, so I’m not judging.
Not sure if “stylizing your résumé based on the company” is possible with online-matching. (I.e., show a pic specifically to one person to improve a match, show another to someone else to improve THAT match, etc.).
Example pic: “Hey, check this out, I made a poker table with my bare hands.” (That was you, right?) One person will say, “He’s good with his hands,” while another will say, “He wastes time building shit instead of spending all his time with me.” 'cause women.

I don’t think “poorly” is the right description. She thinks you’d rather hang out at home watching football than go hiking. But she’d rather go hiking. So she thinks you may not be compatible.

Lots of women enjoy watching football, and one of those women is likely a better match for you.

Or, if you like both, post a photo of you doing something outdoorsy, too.

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A slow motion dry heave, set to music.

I agree with Lucy. If watching football with friends is something you regularly enjoy, it’s a good choice to include that in your pics. If someone chooses swipe left because of that, they’d probably be a poor match anyway.

Leslie Knope : So, I was wondering, how did we get matched up on hoosiermate.com?

Tom Haverford : I created 26 different profiles, each one to attract a different girl. Tom A. Haverford is athletic. Tom B. Haverford is brave. Which letter did you get?

Leslie Knope : N, Tom N. Haverford.

Tom Haverford : Ha! The N stands for nerd. I never check that one because no one ever responds to it. Tom N. Haverford collects globes. His favorite movie is books.


wtf is a catamaran? this conversation sucks

I am not getting any matches from the Bumbl/Match apps. I thought I’d get more to help this thread along a bit and to get some pointers myself. Sorry!

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A catamaran is a boat with two hulls that are connected on the top. It uses a wide beam (width of the boat) for stability rather than ballast in the hull. The design allows for smaller displacement and less hull volume that results in a faster boat with a shallower draft then a similar length mono-hull boat. I typically think of them in sailboat form where one of the hulls will lift out of the water when the boat heels over. I’d guess there are powered catamarans as well but I don’t have any experience with those.


Maybe Snake and T-roy would make a good match?

I’m on a boat!
