T-roy tries Bumbl and Match

I was right. A quick google search ID’d her as one. She should do some housekeeping on her Realty Bio. Says she likes spending time with Husband and adult daughters…Yikes. She might be really new to divorce.

Don’t mention the exams… I mentioned them once but I think I got away with it

Good move on your part to meet in person quickly. The lack of attraction out of the gate is disappointing. Not sure if that is changeable?

She does seem eager and the Prince Charming thing seems over the top but suggest meeting in person if you think she seems interesting.

Could be a really old work profile too.

I think the Princess / Prince Charming thing is potentially a bit of a word play on Frozen and all the Disney princesses- any woman into frozen is worth pursuing imo.


I nominate this post for this thread: Social question - how much to reveal to someone about how much you know about them? - #18 by Chewbacca

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Real Estate is a turn off.

80% chance that she is not making any real money at it.
20% chance that she is and she works all the time

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I’ll go back to just the first letter of the names and reveal less of them. I more want the conversation ideas. I’m starting to get the jist of what to say first/next though.

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I’m guessing that it’s more along the lines of marketing…potential-clients may like that she’s a “family-woman”…whatever the hell that is.

I can still find my husband’s “work profile” for a company that laid him off, and then went belly up, a couple of years ago. It includes a nice photo of him holding a cat who is no longer with us. :cry:

Yeah, these things can be out of date.

She’s (I1) been giving me a lot of attention since the date. She called me last night at 10, said I was “the whole package” and that she was surprised “I wasn’t already taken”. She’s certainly hitting my love language with all the affirmation.


Oh wow that sounds great!



I1 and I have been texting back and fourth. There is no spark for me. I dont want to move forward with her.

“Hey, this has been fun, but I’ve got to be honest, I’m not feeling a spark. I think it’s best if we just pay the check and leave now, rather than either one of us getting in too deep. Take care.”

Thanks man! I1 replied “Fair enough, take care, good luck, sincerely”. I forgot how much breaking off and being honest sux.


pics plz, I will be the judge of this.



do you normally have sparks with strangers immediately via text?

or is it that you don’t find her physically attractive?

is this angle not a turn-off for you to begin with? seems too eager to me for someone who doesn’t even know you.