Subway, Arby's to merge into amazingly gross sandwich company

We’ve got the combo toaster oven/convection oven/air fryer. It gets used way more than most kitchen gadgets. It heats up really quickly so it gets used instead of the regular oven often for smaller jobs. Actual air frying is a small percentage of how we use it.

I was unfamiliar with nightshade sensitivity until one of my SILs was diagnosed with it. In addition to having to avoid nightshades, he is also celiac, a vegetarian and avoids dairy products. Was quite an adventure preparing meals when he and my daughter and kids lived with us for a year! Whole lot of rice and tofu!

You’re wife must be different than mine.
Her: I don’t like all those people in my kitchen.
Me; it’s really ‘our’ kitchen.
Her: it’s really not.

And they’re quite serious. I’d be on the street if I started moving appliances. I suggested we move the spoons to a different slot in the drawer. That ain’t ever gonna happen lol. She has some control issues

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When I briefly eliminated nightshades to see if they were bothering me, I stumbled into a recipe for a passable marinara made from beets and carrots. About the right color, too. It may have been this one, but I don’t remember.

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Tip: you can also replace the rubbery round egg with a scrambled egg.

I actually prefer a freshly cracked egg over the one poured from a carton and frozen before preheating. Obviously ymmv.

I doubt that is how McD is making scrambled eggs.

The mcmuffins are the only one using fresh eggs. Scrambled eggs come from a carton, and frequently made elsewhere and frozen depending on what you ordered. The folded scrambled ones in most sandwiches there are cooked in a factory, frozen, and heated at the store.

How are McDonald's Eggs Prepared?.

ETA another article here:

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Arthur has it.

Round eggs are cracked from from 1 egg into a mold that has 6 or 8 rings per, can’t recall how many. There is a flat metal sheet that’s put on top of the mold to cook evenly. They’re the most “fresh” thing McDonald’s offers, I believe.

Folded eggs (such as on the bagel and McGriddles) are delivered that way. I think they’re just warmed up in the tray, I don’t recall us microwaving them.

Scrambled eggs are annoying but yes, they come from a carton of liquid egg. In my 5+ years working at McD perhaps 2 times I was asked for scrambled eggs outside of the only thing they’re normally in, the Big Breakfast (assuming this still exists). The Big Breakfast is just bad. I don’t know why it existed. Microwaved pancakes with hard edges, scrambled eggs made as fast as possible, and some sausage or bacon.

Sausage burrito mix comes in a bag. We had a good laugh at one lady who was insistent we make her a burrito without peppers, after being told everything came together. We could have scrambled some eggs which would have been a pain, but although I bent over backwards for, say, a kind senior citizen (gave away so many free coffee coupons), sticking it to Karens was one of the few perks.

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I have a kitchen (with a pan) and access to a grocery store that sells eggs. For eating while I’m driving, I have protein bars, and my wife will, for road trips, make an awesome Chex Mix.

I don’t go for McDonald’s breakfast at home. It’s a road trip thing, and I would greatly prefer an egg mcmuffin over a power bar.

I love homemade chex mix. It’s one of my favorite snacks. It’s been years since I made it though, as if I have that around the house I will eat too much of it. I also wouldn’t want to make it my breakfast.

It is a “road trip”-only snack. Wife will also hard-boil a couple of eggs for the trip.
In short: ABM (anything but McDonalds). Heck, we’ve planned stops at cafés on road trips. Smartphones make it easy to find them.

i have a coupon from McD’s. It was part of some fundraiser for a local church group. Buy any sandwich get one free. unlimited use.

I get a lot of 2 for 1 egg mcmuffins. it’s the most valuable thing i own

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Plug for their bagels if you haven’t tried. Bacon or sausage - I can only recommend their bacon at breakfast - at lunch it sits out for hours.

2 of them is pretty unhealthy, but dammit I will eat that mayo-slathered cheesy meat and egg and my arteries will like it.

That’s common. I don’t ask for “x without peppers”. I ask, “can you give me x without peppers?” The answer is usually “no” but sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised.

Ditto, although there are a lot of places I’d choose over McD even on a road trip.

Hmm, maybe I’ll fry myself an egg or two for lunch.

On road trips, McD is still standard because of reasonably reliable bathrooms, relatively cheap iced tea that fairly consistently doesn’t suck, and speed. They’re hard to beat in those categories. But if those aren’t important at the time, I’m looking for something else (particularly, something that is local).

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I think all fast food breakfast stuff is gross.


Yeah, most fast food place brekkie doesn’t appeal to me either. I can only think of a couple of fast food type places where I would order brekkie.

My go-to breakfast when not at home is two big Twix packages and an energy drink.