Spooky Manor - an Action Castle Style Game

Stake in hand let’s go shoot some pool in the Crypt. I mean let’s stab us a vampire through the heart.

For real, Lord vampire has all but given us permission to off the wife. She hardly gave us more than a kiss and he won’t even pop down for a quick chat, I think he’s had enough of her.

You are in the entryway of the crypt, makeshift stake in hand. How do you want to proceed?

With garlic held near our neck with one hand, stab the vampire in the heart and take the key

How nitpicky do you guys want me to be here? The story asks for very specific movements. Or should I just give it to you if you’re close enough?

Step left, Step right, Stab down, lift hand, stab down again, lift hand, stab down again, lift hand, stab down again, pause for breath

Did that fit the specific movements?

Take a few steps in to get closer
Toss 1 clove of garlic at the Lady
Grab the pool queue with both hand and run that sucker right between her pale sweet breast like Buffy the Vampire slayer

ninja’d - feel free to use the more effective of Mayan and my actions LOL


Nope, you end up as a vampire.

:laughing: Nope, you’re a vampire now.

Closer. Be more specific about what you’re doing with the garlic.

Here are the other times I described the lady attacking you. I tried to add in a subtle hint about how to kill her. Maybe too subtle?

Let’s try this

Take a few steps closer.
Hold sharp stabby out to the side
Place cloves of garlic in my mouth, but DO NOT SWALLOW
Plant a big smoooooch on that hot vampiress, transferring the garlic into her mouth
With the passion of the kiss fresh in my mind, stabbity stab her through the heart

:rofl: Close enough for me!

With the garlic in Lady Spooky’s mouth, you plunge the stake through her heart. She turns to dust. The skeleton key is all that’s left.

Take a second to gloat that poking something with your stick actually worked this game. File away that you should kiss before poking

Take Skeleton Key
Got to attic and see if skeleton key opens trunk


For the record, you just needed to put the garlic in her mouth and then stab her. You did it with flair though.

Game Saved. You’d have to work hard to die at this point.
You go up to the attic and open the mysterious trunk. What’s inside? Is it gold, a magical cloak, something even better? None of the above. It’s dirt. Just plain old dirt. It spills onto the attic floor.

Yup. That’s it. There’s nothing interesting about it. No idea why it’s even in the game.

Probably dirt form the Vampire’s home soil would be my guess.

Is the front door still locked? If yes does the Skeleton key open it.

Try skeleton key on fornt door to get out.
mutter under breath, worst delivery ever as I slowly walk back to my broken bike and not even a tip

The front door is locked! How did you go this entire time without ever trying to simply leave! Luckily your skeleton key unlocks the door.
You go outside to find your bike stolen. Walking down the dark and lonely road, you wave down a passing car. As you get inside and the car races off into the night, you hear the doors lock. The driver turns to face you, fixing you with an evil smile. You wish you had never made this fateful trip to… Spooky Manor. THE END.

Your score was 85/100.

Alternative Ending - Victory

Assuming you get the key and your bike didn’t get stolen
You leave behind the manor and its secrets - another job well done. Perhaps one day you may pay another visit to Lord Spooky and Manfred, but until then, only in your darkest dreams and nightmares will you return… to Spooky Manor! THE END.

Alternative Ending - The Werewolf

Assuming you got turned into a werewolf
You see a huge wolf standing before you on the cobblestone path. As it howls at the moon overhead, you feel your body warp and shift - and you let out a baleful howl of your own! Forever changed, you soon forget your former life and that fateful night at… Spooky Manor. THE END.

Here is the breakdown of the scoring. You guys got the bolded items.

Locking up your bike at the front gate (before the path): 5 pts
Discovering the secret study: 10
Restoring Manfred to human form: 15
Recovering from being wet and cold: 10
Navigating the Hedge Maze: 10
Destroying the vampire: 15
Retrieving the skeleton key: 5
Delivering the parcel to Lord Spooky: 5
…with his signature: 5
Escaping through the front door: 10

Riding home on your bike, safe and sound: 5
Finishing without saving: 5

You have a lock on your bike (no one ever looked at the bike) and a key in your raincoat (no one ever looked in your coat or asked me about inventory when you had it on). You were supposed to lock the bike up at the front gate and walk to the front door. If you leave your bike outside without locking it up, it gets stolen.