Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

A strange change to the Elmo narrative. I thought he was the champion of free speech that was going to make white nationalism prominent on twitter again

I doubt Shakespeare said. But to be fair I don’t recall him saying how old Romeo was and Google seems pretty confident it’s 16.

I certainly recall Juliet being described as not yet 14 years.

Maybe kids in 14th century Verona were more mature than today’s teenagers? Life expectancy was much less than today so you didn’t want to defer dating too long….

I don’t know if they were more mature, but they were certainly more likely to get married as a teen.

While discussing Juliet’s age and pending marriage to Paris, Paris pointed out “younger than she are many happy mothers made” to which her father replies “and too soon marred are those so early made”.

As a reminder, she was 13, although it’s implied that she’s almost 14. They were debating the suitability of someone younger than, say, 13.75, making babies.

So anyone in that situation should send a lawyer. Got it.

I went to Twitter to see if Elon responded, but it seems Twitter is down.

I have no idea if this person is Republican, but I’m going to lump them in anyway.

Have fun with this one.

A car in NYC???

For almost $20,000 per year.

Not to mention putting away right around the median US income for savings.

And $2,000 per month on entertainment.

The dude’s really struggling to get by by

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I really hope this tweet was meant sarcastically, but I doubt it.

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It’s something I image jaskent would say.


I know Real estate is insane in NYC, but that’s 4x my mortgage.

That was the one part that seemed realistic to me, or a bit low.

I know once when I was considering a job in NYC I scoped out places to live and couldn’t find anything I wanted for under $1,000,000. I was living in a $200,000 house at the time, in a medium sized city, and the $1,000,000 apartment would have been a sizable step down in both size and quality. That was for 2 bedrooms & 1 bathroom.

And that was almost 20 years ago.

If you somehow managed to come up with a $200,000 down payment, the mortgage on $800,000 at 6% for 30 years is almost $5,000. Add in property taxes and insurance and HOA fees and you’re easily looking at $7,000 a month if not more.

BTW, I decided to not go for the job. I was pretty sure it would be double the salary, but at 5x the housing costs and triple the taxes it wasn’t going to work out well for me.

Reminds me of Sherman McCoy in Bonfire of the Vanities griping about how hard it was to live in Manhattan on his mammoth bond trader income.

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Am I the only one here who thought “Marginal rate vs. Average rate”?

The Biden 39.6% only applies to the income over $400k. So it has no impact on the $400k worker.

Just approximating, for a single filer, the FIT on $400,000 is $107,000. Social Security is $10,000 and Medicare is $6,000. That’s $123,000. I’ve never paid NYC income tax, so I’m just guessing off a Google result, but I get $26,000.

That gives me $149,000 total tax, for a monthly take home of $20,900 not $16,500.

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Yay! A bigger entertainment budget!

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I assumed that they were using the $400k tax marginal tax rate dishonestly.
But, this type of upper class whining is normally not even worth engaging with exept for pure entertainment value.

I saw this tweet and a string of flow ups on Twitter before I saw it here. The guy was adding NYC sales tax as well to his entire income to get to his alleged 50% tax rate.

Having a car in Manhattan and $1000/mo utilities is also silly. He’s both clueless and innumerate

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