Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

I wonder…

If you wore something like k95 underwear, would a fart make it through?

Shreddies award-winning garments eliminate all flatulence odours.

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She’s been saying that for a while. I have seen it several times on the conservative cesspool forum I read from.

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No, I don’t think I will (get one of those ornaments at TC’s website, that is).

They misspelled Freedumb.


Ye apparently going wild with antisemitic comments and praising Hitler on InfoWars.

I won’t get one from any source. If I were to receive on as a gift (extremely unlikely even as a gag gift), it would go into the trash.

Sure, I was just responding to the imperative on the screen “Get at”

You have my e-mail address. I don’t remember ever giving you my mailing address. If I did, don’t get me one. If you do have my mailing address, cookies are a better gift.

Don’t worry; I will not be financially supporting Tucker Carlson, even as a gag.

:tup: And other sources have much better tasting cookies

Is that a diss on my cooking???

certainly not, but I am getting my wife a Jane Parker fruit cake thru Amazon, which is far better than mine would be

$25.00 Here: Store - Tucker Carlson

Also, a dozen other ways you can spend money to help Carlson advertise himself.

Bringing back the true spirit of Christmas


Jeez, it’s not even that nice-looking an ornament.

For those of us who don’t follow such things too closely, which Kanye West controversy was brewing on or around October 7? Just curious.

I suppose it would be wrong of me to buy a few ornaments just to hang, somehow, in public urinals…