Random Thoughts

Nice to know that sunset is almost an hour later where I live now compared to where I used to live. Partly due to moving southwest while staying in the same time zone.

You are in basically the same climate zone that I’m in. And while November is, typically, the start of winter, we almost always have a few days of nice outside weather.

I know this because my birthday is in late November, and as a kid i often hoped the nice weather would last until my birthday, but it never has.

We used to call this warm spell “Indian summer”, but that seems like an inappropriate name, etymologically related to the obvious slur, “Indian giver”. I don’t have a better name for it, though. Maybe some younger person can help me with that.

Whereas I’m a super non-fan of heat. And if we don’t get any snow i feel sad.

I have wondered if this term will go by the wayside. When I was young, I was told the origin was the “Indians” used this time for the last gathering of agricultural products before the cold of winter set in. It had the connotation of being attuned to one’s natural environment and “making hay while the sun shines”. I never took it to be a pejorative. I wonder if there is a term for the last warm spell of fall in Europe. Surely my German friends have a word for that, they have a word for everything :thinking:

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It’s a compound word of the German words to make lastwarmspelloffall.

That’s how I understood it as a child. But I bet you dollars to donuts the actual etymology was “false summer”.

(And that dollars-to-donuts phrase sound different now that a donut costs about a dollar. But I like it anyway.)

Speaking of nice weather, I am setting up on the deck to do my actuarializing today!! :sunglasses:

Trying to take pills with coffee is a bad idea, unless coffee has cooled down drastically. Mine had not.

I really appreciate this thermal mug because my coffee stays hot (or at least warm) until 4pm (it’s 32 ounces I think), but it also takes me until 4pm to drink it because the first two to three hours after pouring it, there’s zero cooldown, and then only gradual. I used to have to reheat coffee several times a day, now I just pour once in the morning and slowly caffeinate for the next 8 hours.

I heard that India is really hot during the summer

Despite a recent counter surfing event, we left about 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies unsupervised and found fewer than half remaining.

I bought a server tray a week ago. It’s steel, 19 inches wide by about a foot deep. Opened it up in my office. Today, I can’t find it anywhere in the house.

How in heck can a server tray that size just disappear. I’m distracted trying to figure out where it could possibly have gone.

That was due to your cat, right? Is it ok?

Dog. I tried to get her to puke but the hydrogen peroxide didn’t work. The chocolate toxicity calculator said she was at mild-moderate risk for symptoms, so I wasn’t quite as panicked. She’s okay.

My vet says that chocolate isn’t much more toxic to pets than it is to people, as a dose per pound of body weight. “The difference is that if you leave your 20 lb toddler with a pound of chocolate, the toddler will eat an ounce or two of chocolate and smear melted chocolate around the room. But if you leave your 20 pound dog with a pound of chocolate, the dog might eat the whole pound”.

You have to continue, consistently, every 30 minutes. It will work eventually. Sincerely, unhappy owner of 3 fairly large dogs that took a really long time to puke.

My dog is about 65 pounds. I gave her about 3 tablespoons (minus what she was able to spit out). I read it was okay to do a second dose if unsuccessful after 10 minutes but I was worried I was going to poison her with that if she didn’t puke, and thought she was probably going to be fine between what the chocolate calculator said and previous counter surfing experiences. She wasn’t exactly keen to get near the syringe again anyway

2 of mine are about 55. The other is 95-100. It took several hours (at least 5 doses, I don’t remember exactly how many) for one to get there, but that’s what the vet said to do. I don’t remember amounts bc it has been a while but I don’t think it was 3T at a time. That seems like a lot.

I didn’t call the vet, but I saw dosing of 1 tablespoon for every 20 pounds and 1 teaspoon for every 5 pounds with a max of 3 tablespoons.

We only have the prescription syringes that you get with some kid medications. It takes multiple of those to reach 3T. My dog was very unhappy that we had to keep doing more syringes… but the chewed up ball came out the right end, instead of becoming an issue making it to the other end.

It took multiple syringes, and I had to let go of the dog to refill the syringe, then grab her again for the next. Since I was expecting her to puke, I did this outside where she had more room for escape. After 3-4 times of this, she wasn’t going to come near that syringe again. At least it was easier getting it down the dog’s throat than a kid’s although it probably sucks if you have a pug or some dog without a long muzzle you can grab.